I was tagged by the magnificent @helainked to fill this out. I must admit, it was rather challenging to make these choices, as there are so many wonderful models on this site.
Kiss: @pesdusa
This Ukrainian beauty doesn’t get the attention she deserves, in my opinion. She’s more than worthy of affection. Given what her country is enduring right now, she is never far from my thoughts. I wish only the best for her.
Marry: @headshot
I’ve been singing praises for this absolute marvel of a woman for over a year, now. Her physical beauty is apparent, but she’s also kind, thoughtful, inquisitive, and absolutely brilliant. What a dream come true it would be to travel the world with her and take in all this wondrous blue globe has to offer us.
Pink: @helainked
There are many Hopefuls that I feel should have their sets purchased, and Hela tops that list. If you haven’t already, please go and check them out. You’ll be glad you did. On top of being a stunning model, she’s smart, kind, and engaging. You’ll often see her on here cheering on other models.
Well, that’s it for my choices. I’ll finish by tagging some members in the hopes that they’ll have some fun filling this out: @adam_bovary, @nonsensetwice, @leighgabriel, @booktowrite, @fredhincanada, @tc_nikon, @sdawg74