The salty sea air calls to you. There’s buried treasure to be found on some long-forgotten island! There’s only one problem: you’ve got some competition. With a spyglass in hand, @misslexotan, with her first mate/photographer @dreblacksheep by her side documenting her sea-faring exploits, braves the treacherous open waters to SAIL TO THE PINK ISLAND. You may not be able to beat her to the treasure, but perhaps you could forge an alliance and split the booty. Gather your wits about you as you rush towards her, towards an adventure of a lifetime!

Hoist sails, because the pink treasure is close! 😁🏴☠️🦜 Thank you so much for your love and recognition, we put a lot of effort into this set and @dreblacksheep always helps me and supports my ideas, I love working with her 💖

@misslexotan You and @dreblacksheep clearly do great work together. This swiftly became one of my favourite sets on SG. I really hope you go Pink for this.