By the decree of his Lordship, Sir @fredhincanada of the Great White North, I shall now fill out this questionnaire. 'Nerddom be praised! Anyone who wishes to participate may do so IF you can answer me these questions three:
1) WHAT... is your name?
2) WHAT... is your quest here on SG?
3) WHAT... is your favourite colour?
1. Favourite fictional villainess? Tell us about her.
After considerable thought, I'd have to give it to Mother Talzin. Not only is she knowledgeable, skilled, and powerful when it comes to the Dark Side of the Force, but she also loves her clan fiercely, so much so that she dies trying to defend it (though she existed as a Force ghost for a while after).
2. What food/drink do you prefer for movie night at the theatre? Do you share?
Nowadays, so long as it's keto-friendly, I'm good. I enjoy nuts and sugar-free soda these days. And yes, I always share.
3. Favourite fight (of any type) in any cinematic (not animated) Star Wars movie or series?
Though the first duelling scene between Luke and Vader (not the vision in the cave) will always hold a special place in my heart (watching "The Empire Strikes Back" on my parents' bed is among my earliest memories), I'd have to say the "Duel of the Fates" scene from "The Phantom Menace" is my favourite for the movies, as the production team had the means to really let loose, here.
4. What song were you addicted to as a kid?
I practised my Karate katas to Michael Jackson's "Bad" when I was very young, I'm not embarrassed to say.
5. Favourite hand-held weapon/item in a First Person Shooter (FPS) type of game? Why?
That would have to be the pistol from the first Halo game, the reason being it packed a punch in those days - even if you had shields - and my friends discovered one day that I was really good at getting head shots.
6. Where do you enjoy reading (coffee shop, bed, kitchen table, etc.)?
I enjoy reading in bed. What can I say - it's comfy.
7. Board game that you always play when gathered with your friends/family. Describe it?
I used to play a lot of "Settlers of Catan" and "Arkham Horror". I played Settlers with my immediate family and Arkham with my now ex-wife and my brother. It's been a while since I played either.
8. Saddest moment in an anime.
I got hit when Krillin was killed by Frieza in DBZ. Frieza got what was coming to him, though.
9. Your favorite Mortal Kombat Character and why?
I've only ever played the first one, so I'd have to go with Liu Kang, just 'cause of his noble warrior path.
10. A scene in a horror movie that made you laugh.
I don’t watch a lot of horror, as I'm not a big fan of the genre, but I did see the second "Final Destination" movie in a theatre with a friend. I remember both of us bursting out laughing at this one scene. It was Ashton Kutcher's character's death. I can't remember exactly how it happened, but a section of barbed wire was somehow catapulted towards him and ended up slicing him into chunks. It was brutal, but, man, how the actual fuck?! Death, you crazy! 😆