so i went to that speedfreak movie SPUN . (thank you ninjarobot for posting the info on the boards about it) - see, now i can convince myself that i don't widdle away my time on the SG boards for no good reason at all.
anyways.. the movie was fucking great. it was similar to that of Requiem for a Dream or Trainspotting, or <insert your disturbing drug movie of choice here>... the style was excellent... all the nitty gritty details and abstract shots, the kind that they don't ever show in mainstream movies. john leguizamo can be my boyfriend anytime. tons of funny ass cameos. ron jeremy as the bartender. billy corgan as the doctor. micker rourke as the crank cooker. debbie harry as the dyke neighbor. yada yada yada.... i would talk about the film and analyze it like i knew what the hell i was saying , but alas, i am not a film expert, so i'll save your time... and pain. all i know is that after seeing the movie i felt a strong urge to endlessly grind my jaw and twitch around.... it was as if i had spent another fine holiday get together with my family and some of those speedy characters....
i'm starting a tiny collection of arms and little hands- doll arms, action figure arms, creepy monster hands, muscley superhero arm with handmade blue fabric wrist cuff with sparkly spikes.... they just started mysterioulsy appearing... arriving as peculiar gifts from a little troll perhaps... i wonder how much longer they will continue appearing until i have a pile of unexplained miniature arms and hnads.... perhaps, i will turn them into some kinda of shrine.
anyways.. the movie was fucking great. it was similar to that of Requiem for a Dream or Trainspotting, or <insert your disturbing drug movie of choice here>... the style was excellent... all the nitty gritty details and abstract shots, the kind that they don't ever show in mainstream movies. john leguizamo can be my boyfriend anytime. tons of funny ass cameos. ron jeremy as the bartender. billy corgan as the doctor. micker rourke as the crank cooker. debbie harry as the dyke neighbor. yada yada yada.... i would talk about the film and analyze it like i knew what the hell i was saying , but alas, i am not a film expert, so i'll save your time... and pain. all i know is that after seeing the movie i felt a strong urge to endlessly grind my jaw and twitch around.... it was as if i had spent another fine holiday get together with my family and some of those speedy characters....
i'm starting a tiny collection of arms and little hands- doll arms, action figure arms, creepy monster hands, muscley superhero arm with handmade blue fabric wrist cuff with sparkly spikes.... they just started mysterioulsy appearing... arriving as peculiar gifts from a little troll perhaps... i wonder how much longer they will continue appearing until i have a pile of unexplained miniature arms and hnads.... perhaps, i will turn them into some kinda of shrine.
I read that script about two years ago and did a polish on it. I thought it seemed cool then. Glad it got made.
see the movie....The Salton Sea