the night before last i had a really crazy dream that i woke up from around 6 in the morning. i was in some city, who knows where. reminiscent of the tenderloin or something, but very condensed, almost like tokyo, but it was all san francisco architecture. i was standing outside in the night, with someone, who i can't for the life of me figure out who, someone not very close to me, but who i knew well enough to be conversing with. a pit bull walks by, with birght green sad eyes. all of a sudden there's a loud scream, a woman. we look up and on the third story of the apartment building there is a lit up window, with an orange curtain. everything happens in a matter of a second. there are two shadows and one of them is backing away frantically while the other is lunging forward with an axe held up in the air. it terrified me. my dreams are very realistic, like most people's i assume, and i can't even dscribe all the thoughts and emotions that raced through my mind and my body in that instant. it's a fucking trip how the dream state is not much far from the state of reality.
dope taste in films...and Kafka? I dug him so much I had to fly to Prague and get fucked up on Absinthe just to feel his...his....well, you know. Is there a more creepier charecter in film then Willem Dafoe in Wild at Heart?
i love dreams, i have a few books and i like to study them personally. ive had some definitely strange dreams and i always seem to remember them clear as day...