Two 13 hour days in a row of pure physical labor makes me a very tired overworked gal. But i've got two words that just seems to make it all better:
*****overtime pay*****
yup, thank f'n god that i'm gonna get some serious scrilla for all that work. time to start payin' off that credit card debt. i swear, at the time it seemed like a sensible idea to just open up a new card once that first one was full. i didn't really have a choice. but, now things are calm and tame - no more sudden emergencies (so go long as my dog doesn't get deathly ill again) *knock on wood, better make that a whole fucking log cabin, with my luck*.... and i can say for once, i am ok... wait, where's that log cabin again?
and, i am extremely elated about my new find at the thrift store the other day on my lunch break.. i came accross two pairs of argyle socks and the cutest coupla shirts that i am taking my scissors and sewing machine to today, one of which is a black youth sized Two Ton Boa tee shirt that i think after my crafty day today will become my new favorite article of clothing.... well besides my arm warmers...
*****overtime pay*****
yup, thank f'n god that i'm gonna get some serious scrilla for all that work. time to start payin' off that credit card debt. i swear, at the time it seemed like a sensible idea to just open up a new card once that first one was full. i didn't really have a choice. but, now things are calm and tame - no more sudden emergencies (so go long as my dog doesn't get deathly ill again) *knock on wood, better make that a whole fucking log cabin, with my luck*.... and i can say for once, i am ok... wait, where's that log cabin again?
and, i am extremely elated about my new find at the thrift store the other day on my lunch break.. i came accross two pairs of argyle socks and the cutest coupla shirts that i am taking my scissors and sewing machine to today, one of which is a black youth sized Two Ton Boa tee shirt that i think after my crafty day today will become my new favorite article of clothing.... well besides my arm warmers...
Yeah, that thread bugged me a bit but what can ya do?
How long have you been waiting?