things just need to slow down for one second so they don't completely slip through my fingers and away from me.
lately i feel like i'm just trying to catch up to something.
but what it is that i'm catching up to... i still have yet to figure out.. more exciting news:
did you ever think you would ever see a new set from me? well the day has come, im shooting it a few days. im so excited, i love the idea. i think its going to turn out very very nicely.
this weekend i'll be in LA, i'm flying out tomorrow.
tonight i will be trying not to forget anything important. like the toothbrush, cell phone charger, all my underwear, my hook for a hand, my glass eye. you know, the normal items.
i haven't flown on a plane in, what, over three years. shit. its the seats on the wings that are the least likely of the death trap seats, right? those are the ones im sitting in. wish me luck. i figure its a good idea to have the astute ones on the wings, that way you can rest assured that when theyre going up in flames or somehow acquired a gaping hole, someones gonna notice and say something, right?
i love wearing my Not Your Bitch shirt to my retail job. the customers, particularly the male one, are just so nice to me.
i cant wait to see
heather and tegan... one more day and it's on motherfuckers! look out.
lately i feel like i'm just trying to catch up to something.
but what it is that i'm catching up to... i still have yet to figure out.. more exciting news:
did you ever think you would ever see a new set from me? well the day has come, im shooting it a few days. im so excited, i love the idea. i think its going to turn out very very nicely.
this weekend i'll be in LA, i'm flying out tomorrow.
tonight i will be trying not to forget anything important. like the toothbrush, cell phone charger, all my underwear, my hook for a hand, my glass eye. you know, the normal items.
i haven't flown on a plane in, what, over three years. shit. its the seats on the wings that are the least likely of the death trap seats, right? those are the ones im sitting in. wish me luck. i figure its a good idea to have the astute ones on the wings, that way you can rest assured that when theyre going up in flames or somehow acquired a gaping hole, someones gonna notice and say something, right?
i love wearing my Not Your Bitch shirt to my retail job. the customers, particularly the male one, are just so nice to me.
i cant wait to see
heather and tegan... one more day and it's on motherfuckers! look out.
you know in canada when you say up north its like boonieville with all kinds of snow. wierd.
did you ask yer lady if she knows my homies? find me on friendster dude... my name is Betty Page. all my homies are on there.
i get to see you again this month... rad. rad. rad.