um, yeah, so theres a photo of me dancing on top of the bar on new years eve.
shit. who needs collagen injections when you can just get your damn lip pierced.
I repierced my lip yesterday after taking out the vertical labret almost a year ago. damn old piercing just wouldnt heal. apparently I have highly regenerative lips. so Ive been really good about soaking my huge fat lip in a bowl of sea salt water. very inconvenient.
lately I have been finding that
I love
tom waits
Camille rose Garcia
soy lattes
roasted vegetables. beets make your shit magenta. how fun.
Im excited that tomorrow I have a date to finally check out the diane arbus exhibit at the SFMOMAbefore it goes away at the end of the month.
next week: acupuncture and getting my hair did. a girls got to take care of herself.
all this work and no play has made me slack on the self care.
umm I think Im gonna shoot a set real soon.

you are so beautiful!
im in a wierd mood.
i really dont ever want to go home.. an dif you could help me that would be cool but i need an under the table joB?
i cant work in the states with no visa or something...
sic said she'd let me crash with her until i got some money and stuff and i could get my own place but im sure that welcome would last only a month.
i never want to go home.
i need some lovin.
i need cuddling.
-rips out hair-
stupid BOYS. -puke-