The more I come onto Suicide Girls, the more out of place I feel. There are so many beautiful and photogenic ladies on here that post amazing photos of them modeling. I used to "model" (I use the term lightly because it's always really just been a hobby) much more a few years ago but many aspects of real life got in the way and I fell out of sync. Now I find it hard to get back into it; the physical maintenance, locating photographers, getting time off work. I just can't motivate myself to really back into it but I surely do miss the artistic aspect of being apart of beautiful photographs.
So, through my long ass winded story, I'm usually in awe of all the perfect photos these girls take but I know there has to be more. It'd be far too tiring to be so beautiful and awesome all the time. I'm calling on some of my hopeful friends to post their silliest, derpiest photos to prove they aren't always perfect model robots. Bedsides, there's almost always a good story behind those photos.
This is my husband and my best friend and I in Seattle in 2014. I have no fucking clue what is going on outside the frame to cause me to make such a face but this photo seriously cracks me up all the time because of how absurd I look. It's just my natural state of being!
So @roz, @chefbeth, @ekka, @kekili, @zelena, @eminence, @myzaree, @zephyrine, @janinekittybee, @leviathan (I suck) and whoever else would like to join in the ridiculousness to post the silliest candid photo you have.