Recent @bloghomework from @missy @rambo, and @lyxzen was asking us how we all deal with "haters"
I must be doing something wrong because I have never had any "haters" on SG (or Instagram besides your random, wild jerkfaces). So I can't really talk much on the subject on how I dealt with them.
As a teenager, I did receive a lot of negative attention from people because I dressed differently and was shy. Naturally that did affect me and caused me some anguish but I never "dealt" with it. I was just a moopy teenager for a good many years. I don't really face those kind of situations anymore nowadays but the trick is to just not take things personally and not let it bother you; think of how much better your life is because you don't feel the urge to put people down for petty reasons.
Here are some silly gifs instead!