Well! The day has finally arrived. Last night was the opening night for a show by my friend, Slevin Mors, called Slevin Deadly Sins. This show was a Blood Series in the first of many alternative themes. He and I shot our images last July/August and it has been nearly a full year since. I haven't been able to share these photos in nearly a year, it's nearly killed me!!! But finally, without much ado, here are some of the images!
We were attempting to just do half my face to get a shot like this but the blood rolled into my contact lens and we just ran with it. It stung like hell but I LOVE this image. It is one of the center piece images at the show. It stained my contact for a few days so I got to walk around with crazy eyes after the shoot.
This shoot was SO MUCH FUN! I really love getting messy at shoots and psychotic, insane just seems to be a good emotion for me to channel. Slevin's style and aesthetic matches very well with my own and he is already planning another series that I am hoping to be a part of.
For now, if any of you are interested in purchasing prints of these, please let me know! Slevin has an Etsy shop and he will be creating coupon codes that I can pass out so if you comment below that you'd be interested in purchasing one, I can send you that code in the near future.
Either way, I am just thrilled to be able to share some of these photos are after having to keep mum about them for so long!
So many of my faces!
You may or may not recognize the face in the image next to mine. Bonus star if you can!
Have a lovely Sunday everyone! I am walking on cloud 9 today myself!