This week's @bloghomework from @missy, @lyxzen, and @rambo asked us all who are fashion inspiration is/was.
I have seen some other posts and I will have to follow their lead; I don't really have an "inspiration" I don't follow magazines because....I don't buy them. That isn't a "I am waaaaay too hip to follow the trends" attitude. I merely have pretty particular tastes. Sometimes I will see people on the street and be interested in something they have. I can recall seeing a girl in the mall who was wearing a very school girl/Wednesday Adams black dress with a Peter Pan collar and I really wanted one. Luckily, I now own two variants of that kind of dress.
I took this homework as a fun opportunity to go through and share some fun, potentially embarrassing photos with you all. I used to dress, well, less then normal when I was a young teenager and it took me up until almost the end of high school to tone my style down. I am pretty comfortable with it now although I typically don't go overboard too much anymore. The things I used to wear on a daily basis have now become costume pieces for modeling gigs or for Halloween or for dressing up and running around my house...
So here is the evolution of my tastes:
I wouldn't say I would wear the fairy wings outside of my house but this outfit was not uncommon outside wear
Lots and lots of black. I also liked wearing lingerie as outerwear.
Sorry for the blurry quality. I went through a short phase where I would get up early and try to stick as much shit as I could in my hair; barettes and even cocktail umbrellas.
Again, black EVERYWHERE.
Heavy eye make up (and one of the rare photos that have me in my more natural state as a blonde)
Those are chicken bones I threw in my hair...because......snacks for later. Again with the tons of eye make up.
So you can see, I was kind of a different teenager. I also used to wear a rabbit tail around freshman year of high school until it sadly wore out. I think my motto was to wear as much clothing and jewelry and junk as my body could carry...
NOW: I've toned myself down quite a bit. I would like to say I have a bit more style. Here's some of my staples as a more fashionable person
Black skinny jeans: I will rarely be caught in anything without it
Low neckline shirts: whether it's how they come or I cut them myself, I don't look regular crew neck shirts. It just feels kind of cloistering having something on your neckline all the time.
Somewhat snug: again, whether it's how they come or I tailor it myself, I like my shirts and jeans to be rather form fitting. I feel like I am swimming in looser clothing. It also helps me feel a bit more feminine if clothes cling to me more. I am not talking about stuffed sausage style but, fitted.
Cardigans: as I have an allergy to the sun (not really) I do my best to keep my arms covered at all times when I am out in the sun. This could be alleviated by just wearing sun screen but I also get cold easily so it's a win-win.
Babydolls: as in the dresses. I like the tight on top, loose and followy on the bottom when it comes to matters of dresses. Also, they just kind of go with my thin build.
Stripes: I am a freakin' fiend for stripey things. It's just my favorite pattern to wear.
Sometimes you don't need to be wearing crazy or flashy things to make a big statement