I have a research/analysis paper due on Monday night and I have put off most of it until this weekend (typical, bad me) so my entire weekend is devoted to spanking out this paper. I will probably miss a super fun, Johnny Cash birthday bash at my favorite bar tonight because I am trying to be a responsible student...
Buuuuut, I saw this week's @bloghomework from @missy, @rambo, and @lyxzen and I thought, "how freaking easy is this for me"
The girls asked us to talk about friendships we have made through Suicide Girls. If you've browsed through my feed at all, you've seen my #sgbestie and real life lady friend has easily become @roz.
I got in touch with Roz back in November/December when I was posting and looking for photographers in my area. She messaged me, since I never have the balls to make the first move, especially when it comes to asking someone to take naked photos of me. We talked back and forth about the shoot and was really easy to communicate with, had some great ideas, and was super reliable (I cannot stand flaky people. They set my soul on fire). She was willing to make the effort to drive an hour out to me to stand around outside at 7 a.m. on a Sunday morning in December to take photos of me. Already really awesome in my book.
It was soooo easy to shoot with her. She made me feel comfortable, we laughed and had a silly great time. Then we just started talking like normal and on a regular basis from there. You know, the things that friends do. I was able to coerce her into going to an event last month and it was the first time we got to actually hang out. It was so much fun! We drank, we laughed, we took really silly pictures. I am so glad neither of us are camera shy. Besides all that, we both have silly personalities and similar interests, like our Star Wars obsessions. She's a sweet and affection person.
Something else that I feel is important in any relationship is inspiration. Roz is such an inspiring woman. She works full-time, she is taking classes, she has a family to take care of, and she still pursues hobbies that she enjoys and to better for herself. Christ, all I do is work and go to school and I have no energy on the weekends. Seeing her do all these things makes me want to strive to do more. A friendship, a partner, whoever you chose to have in your life should help you want to be a better person, not bring you down. Roz is definitely a person who offers this. Oh yea, and she's sexy as hell. That makes her a hell of a lot easier to be around!!
I feel very lucky to have met her on Suicide Girls. Not only do we work well together, we also play well together. Getting to spend time with her is such a joy and guarantee for a helluva good time.
Honorable mentions for friends also go out to @tulfanbru and @franie. While I have never met either of you in person, you have both become my best pen pals on the site and are another reason why I log in every day. I live most of my life through the internet. Without people to talk to on here, I wouldn't have nearly as many friends. Both of these guys probably know far more about me then people I have met in person. They are understanding ears and give me someone to vent and talk to that others can't provide. Just as much as I appreciate seeing Roz in person, I appreciate B. and F. just as much for being awesome virtual friends.
Pictures of Roz and I decorate my school binder.
Other pictures from that night because they are ridiculous and awesome. It's great to have someone you can play off of.
From our last shoot on Valentine's Day. I am so glad Roz doesn't mind that I want to hang out stark naked on someone's couch next to her.