Another weekend of Comic Con has come and gone. Hooray, I actually got to go inside the Convention center this year thanks to some friends! I don't think I've been in since 2009, so needless to say I went into overload. I didn't get to see any panels which was a bummer (no more Dexter, ever again) but it was definitely better than no Comic Con at all. I got about two hours in the convention center total; it was enough time to blow a good chunk of money. Till next year I suppose!
Sweet Walking Dead set up
Quest giver!
Ewoks can still do a force choke
Signs around the MTS by the Convention center were in Dothraki!
So in a fit of reckless spending, I picked up this awesome bra piece (to attack people with of course) and dem goggles! They are so neat! They are vintage Chinese mountaineering goggles. They both came from a company called 5&Diamond, based in San Francisco. They have a tone of great Steampunk leather gear. I wish I could have let myself spend more money! Everyone needs a leather holster in their wardrobe

Sweet Walking Dead set up

Quest giver!

Ewoks can still do a force choke

Signs around the MTS by the Convention center were in Dothraki!

So in a fit of reckless spending, I picked up this awesome bra piece (to attack people with of course) and dem goggles! They are so neat! They are vintage Chinese mountaineering goggles. They both came from a company called 5&Diamond, based in San Francisco. They have a tone of great Steampunk leather gear. I wish I could have let myself spend more money! Everyone needs a leather holster in their wardrobe
I used to know of an awesome steam punk place in cali cant remember to save my life.
also im jealous of you and your comic con adventures