Hey! I know it's been a while! I thought I'd updat you all on what I've been up to!
Taking pictures of sheldon mostly... He's such a cutie and hates me so much I just can't help it 😅
I've been so busy with work and just life... I haven't updated in a while. This is mostly a photo dump of what I've been doing
. But I've got a new set coming out with @gemmaedwardsuk and I can't wait for you all to see it!
Sunday Reading is out in literally a weeks time! 🤗
I got a new job which most of you know. (Leaving that toxic hell hole was the best thing I ever did, and now karma is doing her job) it's scary and exciting, and I am loving my new colleagues and clients!
I got a new car and it's just soo cute! And my driving skills are getting better! Now not everyone is so terrified 😂
I've been climbing more regularly, and getting better at bouldering, my hands hate it but love the burn!
Anyways, I hope you're all doing good! Once I get my laptop fixed I can write a proper blogpost... yes, yes... it's still broken 😂
Soraiya 😘