The @bloghomework this week by @missy @lyxzen & @rambo is "what is your nickname "
I've had so much fun reading about everyone else's nicknames and how you all got them! So I thought I'd join in!
Some of my friends (mostly from college) call me ImmI- a shortened version of my real name 😊
But most of my closest friends and family- even work colleagues and clients call me B. B Smiff to be precise. Hence my SG name Miss Smiff. 😊
I've been called B ever since I was younger, and I asked my mum why? Because it is nothing close to my real name haha She said when I was 5, we were taking a bus into town and an old lady asked me what my name was, so I said to her my name is B Smiff. S-M-I-F-F ! And that has been my name ever since! 😝
Not a very interesting story- but that's my name! Heehee what are all your names?