A little while ago @missy and @rambo set us a @bloghomework work about 3 wishes!!! I have no clue how i missed it... I know i promised my next blog would be what i have been upto, but i just had to blog about this!
Wish no.1
I woild love to become a master of cosplay! My mum and dad are both geeky people (which is not a bad thing!) so me and my sister had no chance... But i LOVE going to conventions, and cosplay. It an be a really expensive hobby, but i just can't help but love it! I'm not very good when it comes to making outfits, but my sister has been helping, and i'm really excited to get my cosplay for october mcm expo all finished and completed. It's definitely my best cosplay so far, and i can't wait to improve!! Seeing everyone's hard work just makes me feel inspired, and with every con i go to, i just want to get better and better. It would be my dream to do a couple cosplay with my other half (he's not realyy into the whole dressing up thing). A female and male Commander Sheppard, or a big daddy and little sister!, or Master Chief and Cortana!! ahhh the list is endless!!!
Here's a little sneak peak of our progress so far...
Wish no.2
Be there for someone.
Whether it be here on suicide girls, or at work, even just helping someone in the street. If i can make one person feel better about themselves, or even just helping them in a bad situation, that will be enough for me... I like to help people any way i can, even if it's just by listening to someone when they have a problem they want to get off their chest. I may not have good advice to give, but sometimes once you've said something out aloud to someone- even if they haven't given any advice, it somehow helps. And I want to help...
Wish no.3
Master the art of taking a selfie. I don't know if it's just me- but it is REALLY HARD! I literally will have to take about 30 photos.... and 3 will be like okay..ish... My hair has fallen in my face, i sneezed and caught that really unattractive mid-sneeze face, or i'm tired and my wonky eye isn't looking at the camera. I honestly don't know how you ladies and gents are able to do it ;)
However, I did manage to pick myself up a sailor moon selfie stick while at Hyper Japan the other weekend- and it does help!
They seriously help, like a lot! It also helps that I've found a timer on my phone >.<
I am seriously hopeless when it comes to technology.... But i'm learning... and that's all that counts right??
I hope you've enjoyed hearing my wishes.... hopefully they will come true at some point! :)
Right now though, i'll have to love you and leave you.... It's getting late and i have a big day ahead of me tomorrow ;)
Miss Smiff
p.s. I got new hair!!!
p.p.s excuse my henry hoover :P heehee