Apexxx cooked me a delicious dinner today. We then watched Harold and Kumar go to White Castle which in retrospect makes me regret not taking up on the hash brownie opportunity.
As I was leaving he said I remind him of Michelle from American Pie. (ze band camp chick :eek
Who votes "0o0o0o, BAD" and who thinks that really is the compliment it was meant to be? (or was it??)

As I was leaving he said I remind him of Michelle from American Pie. (ze band camp chick :eek

Who votes "0o0o0o, BAD" and who thinks that really is the compliment it was meant to be? (or was it??)

for the record, i never said you look like michelle from american pie..hahaha i said you seem like her, as in sometimes you talk really fast... which is cute. and for the record, youre way hotter than any of the girls from that movie...

Eh, i say its a compliment. ANd we finally made it to Madison. WE miss you already. later girl.