Please, don't see Constantine. Unless you're really fond of masturbating to Keanu Reeves.
This psychiatrist I was seeing--the one that gave me the drugs that made me yawn uncontrollably--kept asking questions about my sex life. "SO, how's you sex life?" "Oh, I see, so are you the dominant or submissive one?" "Interesting. Tell me more." Damn creepy 60-year-old men!
How's your weekend going?
This psychiatrist I was seeing--the one that gave me the drugs that made me yawn uncontrollably--kept asking questions about my sex life. "SO, how's you sex life?" "Oh, I see, so are you the dominant or submissive one?" "Interesting. Tell me more." Damn creepy 60-year-old men!
How's your weekend going?

Are you sure that was your psychiatrist and not some dude writing to Penthouse forum in disguise? "Tell me more, oh yeah, that's it...more....oh that's good!" - creepy 60-year-old man.
My weekend is going good, too bad it's almost over. Always too short! Wanna do something next week?