Hello dears!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was very... eventful, which is not always good.
Went to see Grayscale on Friday. Watched Futurama which I found awesomely cool =)
Today, as I was driving home at around 6 pm, having fun, listening to The White Stripes (yes, I confess, they make me happy), and going 62 in a 55 zone, I found myself being tailgated by some jackass in an ugly car. Well, as I was in a very good mood I decided not to change lanes or accelarate. I wanted to see how long the abuse was going to last. It went on for a good five minutes. Then the said asshole in an ugly car proceeded to change lanes. Of course, he would not be satisfied until he had passed me. However, I have dignity and people in ugly cars do not pass me. By default. So, I floored it and was going with more that 80. The sucker had no chance but to get behind me and continue to tailgate me. At that point I was really amused and just turned up my music and completely ignored him. I was looking forward to racing him again, however, he ended up turning.
This is how I have fun when I'm really bored, kids
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was very... eventful, which is not always good.
Went to see Grayscale on Friday. Watched Futurama which I found awesomely cool =)
Today, as I was driving home at around 6 pm, having fun, listening to The White Stripes (yes, I confess, they make me happy), and going 62 in a 55 zone, I found myself being tailgated by some jackass in an ugly car. Well, as I was in a very good mood I decided not to change lanes or accelarate. I wanted to see how long the abuse was going to last. It went on for a good five minutes. Then the said asshole in an ugly car proceeded to change lanes. Of course, he would not be satisfied until he had passed me. However, I have dignity and people in ugly cars do not pass me. By default. So, I floored it and was going with more that 80. The sucker had no chance but to get behind me and continue to tailgate me. At that point I was really amused and just turned up my music and completely ignored him. I was looking forward to racing him again, however, he ended up turning.
This is how I have fun when I'm really bored, kids


talk to me sometime, grrrrrrrll.
Way to go with the road rage! I'm the same way- I love fucking with people!