I have 6 actual school days left. That is, the rest of this week, and next Tuesday and Friday. I have my Calculus final on Tuesday and my Chemistry Lecture and Chemistry Lab finals on Friday.
I had a paper due today but I overslept. I'll just turn it in on Wednesday.
I'm slacking off :oP All I think about is "Europe, Europe, clubs, drugs, friends", repeat =)
I just got off the phone with Joe. He had a bad day
He went to apply for his passport today but they told him they didn't take cash so he had to go home, get his checkbook, deposit the money he had withdrawn, and go back to the post office :oP All during his lunchbreak. He was 45 minutes late but at least the passport person was very nice and made sure his passport would be ready in two weeks. We need it in three. So at least everything there is allright.
We told my mom we'd really like to rent a car while there so she called all our immediate relatives today and asked them to do some research and get us the best deal :oP On a Jeep. A Wrangler would be super nice. Hehehe, my weakness =) Also, we're planning on going to my villa in the mountains with my sis, her son & fiance (they live in England but are going to be in Bulgaria with us for the holidays). That's bound to be fun because the house is pretty spacious and the village it's located in has a population of less than 200 =) Parteeyyy! =)))
I got my friend's stuff from Amazon in the mail last week. I can't stop listening to DFA Compilation #2. I was crying my heart out in Joe's arms last Thursday when Beat Connection started: "It's the saddest night out in the U.S.A." Cheered me up instantaneously. =)
What are your plans for X-mas?? Any bizarre drinking places planned?
I have 6 actual school days left. That is, the rest of this week, and next Tuesday and Friday. I have my Calculus final on Tuesday and my Chemistry Lecture and Chemistry Lab finals on Friday.
I had a paper due today but I overslept. I'll just turn it in on Wednesday.
I'm slacking off :oP All I think about is "Europe, Europe, clubs, drugs, friends", repeat =)
I just got off the phone with Joe. He had a bad day

We told my mom we'd really like to rent a car while there so she called all our immediate relatives today and asked them to do some research and get us the best deal :oP On a Jeep. A Wrangler would be super nice. Hehehe, my weakness =) Also, we're planning on going to my villa in the mountains with my sis, her son & fiance (they live in England but are going to be in Bulgaria with us for the holidays). That's bound to be fun because the house is pretty spacious and the village it's located in has a population of less than 200 =) Parteeyyy! =)))
I got my friend's stuff from Amazon in the mail last week. I can't stop listening to DFA Compilation #2. I was crying my heart out in Joe's arms last Thursday when Beat Connection started: "It's the saddest night out in the U.S.A." Cheered me up instantaneously. =)

What are your plans for X-mas?? Any bizarre drinking places planned?
Do you have an AIM name? I am well versed in internet calculus tutoring if you have any questions.. and i get all excited about it