Oh, DEAR god, do I *hate* noisy stupid little girls who are utterly incapable of keepig their fucking mouths shut for three seconds! Grrr, the neverending mindless babbling! Makes me want to kill! And slaughter!
Now that you have gotten a good idea of how much I despise girls with high-pitched voices, I shall proceed to tell you about today, and tomorrow. And next month. For I can see in zee future!
Today, well, today is obviously not over yet, however, my Chem. quiz has passed which means another obstacle on my way to enjoying Friday (like a sane person should) is gone. I still have to bear 50 minutes of enlightening Calculus and another 50 minutes of Chem. Lab Lecture (the point of which I have repeatedly failed to see). Also, I have a job interview at Banana Republic today. If I get the job, I'd be happy. If not, I'd still be happy because I'm quitting my stinky fast-food joint job regardless. (fast food=

Hmm... My parents are gone for the weekend. Needless to say, I'm delighted. They haven't done that in at least two years... But then again two years ago they used to go on these long vacations and I used to have the house all to myself for at least 2 weeks... Hmmm...
Joe's parents... his father's girl-friend actually... sucks ass! I'm sorry, but that Sue person is completely psychotic. She's one of those two-faced, evil people who act all nice & friendly (but the kind of nice and friendly that are as fake as a wedding cake), but then bitch about you sleeping over and stuff. I swear to Satan, when I have kids, they'd be allowed to have their petit(e)s ami(e)s sleep over. Once they turn 16, that is. God damn. Now Joe has to drive all the way to my house, sleep over, then we have to get up at like 7 because he has to get the alignment of his Jeep done at 9, and change his oil and stuff and the fucking embodiment of all things evil doesn't want to hear about me sleeping over.
There. I blurted it all down. I am going to have zero comments on this because it was friggin' long, I know.

you can always sleep over here without anyone complaining

hey thanxxx for your comment on my photoset. you're so super cute and have superlatively amazing taste in music i must say xxx