i saw some of the most disturbing things today. I went to this body parts exhibit at the LA science center where they took dead people cut them in slices removed their organs and coated them in plastic like a drivers license so you could see everything in its place... EVERYTHING!!!! now i can watch scary and movies with alot of mutilation in it like the Cell, Aliens, Silence of the Lambs, and what not but seeing a pregnant women with her skin removed and the fetus still in her stomach cut open i have to draw the line. I think pregnant women are the most beautiful things on this planet but to see this display for the sake of science repulsed my humanity beyond a doubt. THeir were children there and i could not believe my eyes. I will not say it wasnt interesting but there is a point to where it just looses its validity.
sorry for that disturbing point but i had to say it what a great way to end the weekend
but i did see an interesting quote from Seneca a Roman philosopher and iwas really hungry after that exhibit so we got some good pizza it wasnt too bad a day
sorry for that disturbing point but i had to say it what a great way to end the weekend
but i did see an interesting quote from Seneca a Roman philosopher and iwas really hungry after that exhibit so we got some good pizza it wasnt too bad a day