He takes a box of crayons and draws with his hands
A nightmare
Realized with wax and cut paper
Glued to a tin
He keeps his keepsakes in
Buttons from jackets too worn out to wear
And a lock of blonde hair
He was just a child back then
And the dreams never wore thin
But now look at the mess he is in
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Zombie, automaton
attack of the television
a blue box unlocked
and breeding
sink your teeth right in
the heart is sweet
and bleeding
get it, get it, get it, get it

That mass appealing
soap box dreaming
rocket fueled global fuck tool
fifteen more minutes please
I haven't quite scraped
all the skin off my knees

sculpture made of bone and wire
lonely music for lonely users
whatever drug may be the sin
your sacrifice theory is laid out and using too
its hands tied and wrists cut
the heart and soul nailed to the wall
the colors leached into a poem
with the coffee stains, cigarette burns,
and the loose change of lies
hard up for cash
and drinking like...
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this has to be my favorite out of the group.....most definitely.

why don't you title anything?
i added you on AIM btw....i'm hapiiringo
the heart comes packaged in a brown paper bag
and the receipt is a white flag flying
hopscotch on cracked concrete and liquer bottles in the mud
this neighborhood has always been bad blood to me
there's the house with the totems, and a basement hanging tree
morning glories grow up and over everything
and the writing on the wall, like conversations too hard
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The words we cut into pieces
brought out and laid upon the shelf
just say anything
and I'll tie them around a necklace
made of gold
and sink it down where you can hold
with your hand and the falling rain
there's so much in the clouds coming down
random strands of hopeless gesturing
and I'm drawing circles in the sea
I only want what...
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your poetry is awesome. whether you think it or not. i wanna read more. NOW!
While the world rolls by me
like a graveyard on this endless avenue
I hum along to the pop songs
because I am just passing through

with a heart like a snapshot from a favorite skyline
a mind full of cough syrup and wine
this is a very slow death
it will take some time

documents shuffle and fall like snow
floating from file cabinets...
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my hand reaches up for the cord
to a single light bulb
to illuminate the room
but I stagger away with a bottle
and I am lit up instead
this room is a spotlight
and the silence is sharp
drawing fresh blood
I find myself between
an ending and the credits rolling
I wanted it to be so loving
but couldn't force the form
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Free your tongue and spit the words
Show the funeral party what you are worth
Hear the rhythm of the bones like drums
Sing a prayer for the ramparts guns
Watch the dying perish with foolish pride
Let loose the dogs with clenching jaws and radium eyes
Write it down and spit the words
Show the salesman what your soul is worth
Hear the rhythm...
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I steady myself against red brown brick
and begin to think
you are never going to show
but that's all old news
and I'm better now
no more idle thoughts
drinking up time
I'd rather spend twisting bottle caps
stacking rocks
all things new and easy
but it creeps in slow like a drug
some unrelenting itching
changing the flavor of the sky
the whiskey...
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