I spotted Emily (Luciferskitt3n) whilst out shopping with my mum one day, she was standing with my friend Alex at a Shakeaway counter. Immediately I was intrigued, she clearly had a unique look and style and some amazing ink. Very pretty girl with a lot of mystery, "what better girl could I scout for SG?" I wondered.
I messaged Alex a few days later on Instagram and asked him if she wanted to become a Suicidegirl and if so, if I could be the one to help her.
Less than a year onwards I organised a few days booked in a London apartment, my photographer friend Kaan doing all the sets. He shot 4 for me, 1 for Emily and a duo of us.
My first set with Kaan is currently in member review in the same location as Emily's :-)
I was such a perfectionist during shooting Emily's set. I bought roses, matched jewellery to cushions, created different decor and room layout and was even a stylist haha. Every pose had me shouting next to the camera "Thats the shot!" "Arch your back more!" or "Oh my God! That's so pretty!"
I honestly could not be more proud of the set we made I was even more excited for Emily's debut than my own sets coming out.
I really hope you all like it as much and love Emily! She has looks that kill. Please head over to her page and check it out. :-) cannot believe it's finally here!