In one day and a few hours I've shot 5 new sets for SG and one of them is a girl on girl with a hopeful who will be joining SG very soon. I also shot her debut set which I have to admit is a million times better than any of mine because well... you will just see for yourself. So it's been ridiculously productive and you guys better love me for what we are bringing to the internet in the next few months. Kaan has never shot for SG before so in the next few months his camera wizardry will be revealed in all its glory which is equally as exciting! Poor old Kaan has HUNDREDS to edit until then.
Now his doggy is being sick so he's gone for a few hours which leaves me to bun spliff, eat Weetabix and drink tea until I wet myself. There may be a 6th set shot by this evening! Fingers crossed.
Keep watching my page for updates ✌ adios