it takes more than three boxes!
i met with a life coach yesterday
yep! i'm that chump.
i finally got to a point that i couldn't take my piles of messy paperwork. it has been emotionally and energetically depleting. and like those of us that hire personal trainers to hold us accountable so does the life coach. i've done cognitive therapy before and it was great to explore the reasons why i do the things i do, it left me flat in the application process of how to. so anyhoo, it's a three month commitment so that i establish a lifestyle change and not just a "oh my apartment is cleaner" stage. i'm pretty stoked about it all.
i met with a life coach yesterday

1. do you consider yourself to be an organized person?
2. if so what type of system do you use? if not does it drive you crazy that your not?
3. what type of rewards do you give yourself after achieving an important goal?
much love to everyone and i hope that your doing well!
i m so excited i hope it come alive soon.. take care
So tempted to get some professional help with that, but I think, . . .
I couldn't be that mean to another human being
Maybe once I get them a little more in shape on my own. It would be nice.
It's really an unreasonable amount of maintenance on account of comfortable footwear though. Not fair.