Im supposed to write an article about the new trends in sex: did you even know there was such a thing as sex trends? Apparently, you either fuck chic, or you dont, and If you dont, shame on you!
In the midst of my Lebanese food indigestion last night , I tried to forget the excruciating pain by doing research on my topic. And I came up with a few interesting facts: S.I.P (sex important people) have decided sometime in the past few weeks, that Sodomy was out in 2009: guys I hope you gave it up the ass as much as you could in 2008, because now, its over. Apparently it has been dethroned on the catwalk by The clit. May I strongly suggest you lock your door before going to bed because it seems its coming to get you.
Also, speed and efficiency seem to have become a number one priority in these dark days of social and economic crisis: the fastest, the better. After pondering on this idea for quite a few hours with, I have to admit it, a very stupid look on my face, the logic finally hit me. The fastest you cum, the fastest you can get back to the more important things in life, essentially meaning work, if you still have one. Another perk of 2009, is that it has become cool again to fuck your secretary: same logic applies, if you cum at work, or even better if you cum while still doing work, the time gain in your work schedule is more than appreciable. Our dear president once said : work more, earn more. Sex addicts everywhere seem to have heard him loud and clear.
And finally, for the more Couture facts of sex, know that 2009 brings us tons of panties with openings everywhere so that you wont even need to take them off anymore. Pubes have made their big come back this year, even though we thought they were gone for good when laser beams from the future started hunting them in beauty salons all around the world. Theyre back, because honestly who needs to shave when they can work all day and all night long?
In short, in 2009, cum chic, cum fast or just dont.

This being said, I have to tell you guys, that when I do it, I could care less about speed and efficiency, the most important to me is just to end up screaming c'est si bon!
Im supposed to write an article about the new trends in sex: did you even know there was such a thing as sex trends? Apparently, you either fuck chic, or you dont, and If you dont, shame on you!
In the midst of my Lebanese food indigestion last night , I tried to forget the excruciating pain by doing research on my topic. And I came up with a few interesting facts: S.I.P (sex important people) have decided sometime in the past few weeks, that Sodomy was out in 2009: guys I hope you gave it up the ass as much as you could in 2008, because now, its over. Apparently it has been dethroned on the catwalk by The clit. May I strongly suggest you lock your door before going to bed because it seems its coming to get you.
Also, speed and efficiency seem to have become a number one priority in these dark days of social and economic crisis: the fastest, the better. After pondering on this idea for quite a few hours with, I have to admit it, a very stupid look on my face, the logic finally hit me. The fastest you cum, the fastest you can get back to the more important things in life, essentially meaning work, if you still have one. Another perk of 2009, is that it has become cool again to fuck your secretary: same logic applies, if you cum at work, or even better if you cum while still doing work, the time gain in your work schedule is more than appreciable. Our dear president once said : work more, earn more. Sex addicts everywhere seem to have heard him loud and clear.
And finally, for the more Couture facts of sex, know that 2009 brings us tons of panties with openings everywhere so that you wont even need to take them off anymore. Pubes have made their big come back this year, even though we thought they were gone for good when laser beams from the future started hunting them in beauty salons all around the world. Theyre back, because honestly who needs to shave when they can work all day and all night long?
In short, in 2009, cum chic, cum fast or just dont.

This being said, I have to tell you guys, that when I do it, I could care less about speed and efficiency, the most important to me is just to end up screaming c'est si bon!

J'adore la manire dont tu cris la belle. Encore !