Breaking up is hard to do. And Im the worst at it ever.
No votes of sympathy please, I broke up with him (and of course am regretting it now) but thats life.
My micies attacked each other again last week and I had to rush to the vets with little Tom who had a slightly smaller hole in his side than his brother whow as literally eaten alive last week, and he made it, the little trooper got 19 stitches!!! However now all 3 of my mice live in 3 seperate tanks on my desk, everyone takes turns with the running wheel.
Ive been super busy over the past half term, my friends all came back from uni and its been a bit mad, however its seriously annoying when people dont understand that being skint actually means that even if I ask the ATM really really nicely then I actually wont get any more money.
Apart from that Ive been doing college work, and quite a bit more college work, and then the now ex boyfriend decided he doesnt want to go on holiday with me to poland, and so his best mate wont be going either, so fuck me and fuck my lift to the airport, obviously Im sure I always wanted to go alone, however my friend has come to the rescue and I'll only be spending my first few days alone.
The sealife centre Im campaigning against has now said they'll sue our asses if we do anything, and my friend got put in the cells for over 6hrs yesterday because she told the actual BUILDING "shame on you scum" she didnt shout it at some worker, or some person, no, she insulted the building, in January no less, and so it took them all this time to get 3 statements saying she did it. She insulted the building, and she cant go near the sealife centre until the court case. What a fucking joke!!!
Ive also missed out on the lovely Moira ;_;
However now as always I will add in pictures of cute animals I have been involved with in the past week to make ammends for my moany post
All these animals are at my college by the way, I dont have THAT many animals
This is 'Rodney' our 'male' Rhea who just laid an egg...
Baby tortoise!! Hes like half the size of a tomato!!
And this is soon to be babies... Axolotyl babies!!!!!
Hope everyone else is okay, especially you Moira xxxxxx
No votes of sympathy please, I broke up with him (and of course am regretting it now) but thats life.
My micies attacked each other again last week and I had to rush to the vets with little Tom who had a slightly smaller hole in his side than his brother whow as literally eaten alive last week, and he made it, the little trooper got 19 stitches!!! However now all 3 of my mice live in 3 seperate tanks on my desk, everyone takes turns with the running wheel.
Ive been super busy over the past half term, my friends all came back from uni and its been a bit mad, however its seriously annoying when people dont understand that being skint actually means that even if I ask the ATM really really nicely then I actually wont get any more money.
Apart from that Ive been doing college work, and quite a bit more college work, and then the now ex boyfriend decided he doesnt want to go on holiday with me to poland, and so his best mate wont be going either, so fuck me and fuck my lift to the airport, obviously Im sure I always wanted to go alone, however my friend has come to the rescue and I'll only be spending my first few days alone.
The sealife centre Im campaigning against has now said they'll sue our asses if we do anything, and my friend got put in the cells for over 6hrs yesterday because she told the actual BUILDING "shame on you scum" she didnt shout it at some worker, or some person, no, she insulted the building, in January no less, and so it took them all this time to get 3 statements saying she did it. She insulted the building, and she cant go near the sealife centre until the court case. What a fucking joke!!!
Ive also missed out on the lovely Moira ;_;
However now as always I will add in pictures of cute animals I have been involved with in the past week to make ammends for my moany post

All these animals are at my college by the way, I dont have THAT many animals

This is 'Rodney' our 'male' Rhea who just laid an egg...

Baby tortoise!! Hes like half the size of a tomato!!

And this is soon to be babies... Axolotyl babies!!!!!

Hope everyone else is okay, especially you Moira xxxxxx
that boy is my fiance and we were just being drunk and goofy one night.
i laughed when i read the little blurb.
and how long have you had the mice? do you think they'll ever calm down and be friendly with each other?
so lucky to have help with your poland trip! are all your extended family there? all mine are in ireland, i know my dad will help me get there when timing is right
and i hope i get some new workers soon too - all my melbourne vegan/vego friends are complete flakes! so many of them have told me they will come in to apply and not a single one has - unreliable!!!
best wishes to you buddy, xox jen