wow new update. Home for Easter without my man so I have time to waste.
Uni is good, Cambridge not so much, Im pretty sick of the town but oh well.
Me and gary have been all over the place already this year, up and down visitng friends and we managed to squeeze in a trip to Poland for Valentines, wooo!!!!
Uni is great, Ive had my first week of lectures, met someone already, took out my dreads and thrown up because of freshers flu. Id say Im doing alright
I miss my animals back home a whole lot, and Im missing Brighton quite a bit too.
I feel like theres so much to write Id never be able to do it,... Read More
where are ya at uni? I started at Leeds in september after 2 gap years.. it's had it's ups and downs but I'm settling in now. It's weird going from a place where you're really settled to somewhere new. xoxo
So, since my last update Ive been rather stressed to the point that Ive had the most vulgar spot outbreak. I fucking hate spots.
I found out two days before results day that I was meant to get my results about two weeks before that day.... and it seemed I was the only person in my year who hadnt.... There was a day of getting... Read More
thanks i had fun, didnt stay too long as i finished at 15h and went to eat a falafel...then just got back on the train...but it was quite a sunny day...and cold too! will let u know when i go back to brighton.....unless u come 2 london before...because of lack of i had to cancel the marine mammal medic course i was doing this sucks big time!!!! I hope i can do it soon anyway...what's up with u? have u heard from uni yet? x
woooooooooa I found the co-op vegan donuts!!!!!!! Bad bad bad! If I didnt pick up the wrong ones they are the ones from French Cuisine or something like this, rite? With Jam inside! Wooo so nice! I ate the whole bag in 2 days lol.....
wooo u shud have said something! Anyways, hope you had fun. I actually enjoyed it but met one of my ex-house mates (he used to work for Peta and Viva!) and he told me that my ex was around as well so I fled the place cos I didnt want to bump into her..... we had time to enjoy it though...then went to Bricklane and was great.
What are you doin the 4th of september? I can meet you after I get my tattoo....around 15h or so...
dont worry, I real name is Carles and if I had seen you I wouldnt probably remember Sooze.... Anyway, let me know about the 4th, I hope your problems with the College are sorted then! Im doing a whole maori tribal in my left arm, its already started as you can see....but its going doooooooown!
So yesterday was the SARC cruelty free fayre where I worked all day and it was super fantastic (except for getting up at 6am and not finding any real tea in the straight edge house!)
Heh, i guess i am easy to spot. I've been spending alota time in Brightland recently.
Yeah, Ibiza iz gonna kick ass! I'll be sure ta take lotsa pictures! x
Actually girl, you are 100% right. I used to defend that asshole in front of everyone, but the time has come *clapsinhands* that I leave him behind
I am not even sad, because how I can miss a person, that didnt really exist in my life? I just saw him once a week, when I was lucky.
So do you wanna tell me about your past relationships and dickheads?
I like the new gerbil... is it a mouse? I think so... I had three mice 4 years ago and they always got pregnant. In the end I had over 20 and my friend had to take some of them too I was so sad that they didnt grow old. They only lived 2 years but the vet said they were quite old.
Got my new gerbil yesterday, shes in an indoor guinea pig cage so she practically has her own country, shes really sweet, Ive called her Nicci after my friend :3 I'll post some pictures when I get some.
And on Friday I get MORE gerbils, haha, seeing as I have a spare tank, it must be filled! And theyre coming all... Read More
Lady where do you get your gerbils from? My lovely old gerbil, Hretha, is getting very ill and it won't be long until she passes, and like you, can't bare to see the tank empty!! I don't want to buy them at the petshop, and would rather rescue, but the people I used to rescue from have shut shop.
Breaking up is hard to do. And Im the worst at it ever.
No votes of sympathy please, I broke up with him (and of course am regretting it now) but thats life.
My micies attacked each other again last week and I had to rush to the vets with little Tom who had a slightly smaller hole in his side than his brother whow... Read More
hey, that's really good you and your ex still get along. how long were you a couple for?
and how long have you had the mice? do you think they'll ever calm down and be friendly with each other?
so lucky to have help with your poland trip! are all your extended family there? all mine are in ireland, i know my dad will help me get there when timing is right
and i hope i get some new workers soon too - all my melbourne vegan/vego friends are complete flakes! so many of them have told me they will come in to apply and not a single one has - unreliable!!!
best wishes to you buddy, xox jen
IIIIIIIIIIIIm going to cambridge, Anglia Ruskin uni Accepted their offer with Chester as insurance.
For the past 2 days (since visiting said uni on Sat) Ive done nothing but gush like a freak about cambridge, I also started my list of stuff to bring to uni....
I bumped into an ex today who I havent seen for like a year and half... and it went... Read More
Haha. When I saw in my e-mail that I had a message from you I thought for sure I was going to get yelled at for the whole "fish thing". I am happy it was just for friendship! Yay for new friendies!