Fuck.. i'm having a bad morning.. I got a new job interview... so thats good. I get up early to shave and stuff. And the soap reminds me of my ex-gf. So i call her up and some fuckin guys answers and tells me shez sleeping.. then i call back a bit later and he's like.. oh now shez in the shower. Now you might think.. well wtf do you care anyway. Last night this girl told me she loved me.. and on top of that shez been telling me for the last 2 months she doesn't want to have a boyfriend and all this crap.. God damn am i happy i don't live in the same city. Cuz i think would fuckin snap. Now i have to go to my job interview all shakey and twitchy. Should be a cool job tho.. its at a Jaguar dealership.

"I refuse to write this final because it is so late! Suck my dick!"
Yeah, I shoulda said that! hehee