So this weekend has been interesting... I was a shaperone for my younger friend's prom.. Some how i really badly twisted my ancle (tore the ligiment off the bone) **at the prom.. in a mosh pit?? how many people have a moshpit in their prom?** then at the after party all our vehicles got vandalised.. like broken windows, mirrors, lights, stolen stuff.. yeah.. so now i have to deal with that... kinda sucks cuz i borrowed my bro's car that night.. i could handle driving my car all fucked up..i don't care.. but it's not even mine.. its hurtin...
anyway.. considering my broke ass foot and bro's car.. i'm in pretty good spirits..

and now I am shattered and have a lot of things to do today!
I am glad the footie is over
youre friends Prom sounds like a crazy one. Hope the foot heels soon and the insurance covers the car!