God damn... i need to find a new job already.. I worked for one day and i already hate it sooooo much that i need to quit.. Oh well good thing there is so much work here. It should go just fine.
good luck finding a new job!
Well we have some pretty nice hills here! hahahaha!
So i'm here.. in edmonton. And its not so bad. The city is laid out incedibly well. Its not too hard to find you way around at all. Anyway now about the trip here. It was INSANE... We almost hit 2 HUGE moose that ran out in the road in front of us.. not to mention like deer.. a wolf.. mountain goats.. caribou and some...
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K today is the day that i leave this fair place.. and move on to the land of milk and honey. So yeah that what i'm doing today.. frantically packin the rest of my shit up to leave to edmonton. One good thing about it is.. my friend told me he'd come with me so i don't have to drive for like 15 hours by...
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oh yeah... drive safe and have lots of fun!!!
TERRIFIED of needles
Unless they are piercing or inking me!
Hey ya'll.. its been awhile cuz i've been busy doing nothing and travelling around.. and still doing nothing. But i've decided i don't want to live in BC anymore so i'm moving to edmonton. I gots a few friends there and i'm gunna stay with one of them. Should be a great adventure. Especially driving on these wonderful roads considering it snowed like a foot...
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But BC is so pretty?
K.. its wednesday night and i'm just getting ready to go on my phat road trip. We're leaving at 4 in the morning eeek God DAMN its gunna be shitty getting up that early. Oh well.. my friend said he wants to drive 1st so i guess i could try to sleep more. So we're going to edmonton and it should be fun, We're going to...
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Go join SGWEST Group and you've gotta come to the Vancouver Christmas Party! kiss
Hey.. i'm back now frum van.. i bought tons of shit and spent like 2 g's. So now i'm kinda broke whatever oh well it was bound to happen sooner or later. So now its saturday and on thursday we're going to edmonton for a concert. This should be fun too ** we're going to edmonton cuz a couple of my younger friends are old enough...
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haha. no I wont spend all my money all at once. but I do need to pay off my bills.

have fun at your concert!
I'm a bit of a nerd that way'.
I think the written word is the best for expressing ones true feelings!
Going to Vancouver today for a week... should be a good time.. then when i get back i'm like going str8 to deadmonton... to go see the matches. So i have a busy couple weeks ahead of me.
I"M FUCKIN BACK.. DAMN 3 MONTHS IN THE MIDDLE ON NO WHERE... WITH NO INTERNET AND THE PHONE COSTS # BUCKS A MIN TO USE eeek Yeah so.. its str8.. i'm happy to be back on sg.. and now i got a really cool beard.
Nice to have ya back smile
glad you're back! you must post pics of this said beard. wink
I didnt really get to sleep much until last night. so my weekend was kind shot cuz I was so tired. but oh well.
Hey ya'll... So i gots the word today.. that i'm out for camp on monday morning smile but.. my ancle still isn't healed soo this is gunna be kinda shitty.. hope i miraculously heal quick like. So i asked when i'll be coming back out of camp and my boss said.. " we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" so he's pretty much saying.....
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happy b-day ninja biggrin
Happy Bday!

damn. that sucks...
So this weekend has been interesting... I was a shaperone for my younger friend's prom.. Some how i really badly twisted my ancle (tore the ligiment off the bone) **at the prom.. in a mosh pit?? how many people have a moshpit in their prom?** then at the after party all our vehicles got vandalised.. like broken windows, mirrors, lights, stolen stuff.. yeah.. so now...
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nope, sleeping wasn't my intent hehehe

and now I am shattered and have a lot of things to do today!

I am glad the footie is over smile

youre friends Prom sounds like a crazy one. Hope the foot heels soon and the insurance covers the car! kiss
I just got back this morning from the festival our band played at. We played friday night and now its sunday morning.. It was good weekend.. i got like 4 hours of sleep total between both nights and i drank steady the whole time. and yes.. the band thing we really well.. We rocked harder than any other band has rocked before. It was great....
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no I didnt think it was that far. but they have two young kids so all of us cramed into a car for 45mins more then once is a NO. lol.
glad you had fun w/your bad! that's awesome!
I practiced with my band sooo hard today.. I rocked like i've never rocked before. Trying to get ready for our big show on friday. I hope we'll be ready.. i think we will be.. we got it in us, we just need to get everything down perfectly. anyway.. i need a shower i'm all sweaty, tired and rocked out. smile wink
Good luck mister. Get someone to take pictures.
hmm.. I cant recall really listening to milli vanilli. lol. but I'm sure I'll be ok. running ragged before a vacation is ok. it's when you dont get the vacation that it sucks!