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What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Fucking people who plead ignorance when someone else was there and … -
Oh no ...
I'm suffering badly today ... the internet is running slowly. It… -
I'm running out of ways to procrastinate :(
I think I really do have to go do the dishes and ... possibly ... p… -
I swear I put on about 5 kilos this year. I still have a heap of c… -
Such an old photo. I'm much older and less wise now. -
And .... back to listening to Lady Gaga over and over. 2008 wa… -
SG is a lot quieter than I remember. Used to be that the groups I'… -
Monday Apr 21, 2008
So this rather pretty woman is dry humping my leg. I am a bit dist… -
Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
Lacuna Inc. <click link. Bloody funny.
GBW's use of the disaster of 9/11 to pass homeland security and begin his opportunistic wars (Afghanistan might can be justified; Iraq, no) is reminiscent of Hitler's use of the Reichstag fire as an excuse to seize complete power. (The Nazi's didn't set the Reichstag fire, nor is there any proof they were complicitous.) However, comparing GBW to Hitler is a little extreme-I only said GWB was irritating.
Brezhnev's personality cult was cynical and hollow, more or less manufactured for show. His rule faltered in the end because he was suffering from the effects of old age and no longer had the vigor of a younger man to lead his country. However, his era is remembered as a golden age by the Russians, despite the corruption, economic chaos and the Aghan War. I became disenchanted with GWB when he sent we taxpayers a rebate right during the beginning of his administration. I viewed that move as a cynical ploy to buy loyalty, and it ticked me off. When Colin Powell stood before the UN and made the case for invading Iraq, I was spitting nails. It was obvious the evidence was flimsy and packed with lies, and only a pack of ignorant sheep could have believed it. Money and greed carry a lot of weight. I believe it is clear the the war in Iraq was less about political reasons, and all about greed (oil and Haliburton). If GWB was maneuvered by his coterie like a puppet, he was a willing puppet and did nothing against his will. Among his cult followers (the righteous right, the good old boys, and the greedy), Gwb's credit still runs high. "You can fool all of the people some of the time. You can fool some of the people all of the time. You can't fool all of the people all of the time." The people are beginning to get fed up!