Fucking people who plead ignorance when someone else was there and heard me explain it to them earlier.

Just fuck off.


I'm suffering badly today ... the internet is running slowly.

It's like the modem is taking dial-up pills.


I swear I put on about 5 kilos this year. I still have a heap of crap food and drink in the fridge so it's gonna be a while before I get on top of this.

I *could* try getting off arse and exercising, I guess. :/


Such an old photo. I'm much older and less wise now.


And .... back to listening to Lady Gaga over and over.

2008 was a good year.


SG is a lot quieter than I remember. Used to be that the groups I'm in were massively active. Now, there are days and days between posts o.O

So this rather pretty woman is dry humping my leg.

I am a bit distracted: I've put my beer down to tell a story to some friends. I like to throw my arms around when I tell stories. I put it down to an Italian heritage.

Apparently some people take it as an invitation. Well, one person does. Actually, this is the first time someone...
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Um, yes, rather. I was with some annoying people but ya know, couldn't fault the men themselves. Dave Grohl is kinda semi-immortal I'm sure anyway, he really can do no wrong. And Kaki King was the support and I ADORE her infinitely, even though the crowd didn't get it for the most part (their loss, she's a genius.)

I bought new socks. To go with the fountain pen... (?) No, I'm not that sad. But the having of both of these things makes me happy. I'm a fucking mess with a fountain pen but I stick with it because I believe it's sexier... although not so sexy to get ink alllll over your hands and then look like you have gangrene. blackeyed

And really, I just talk shit, it's nothing fast or profound. It is, I grant you, copious, and maybe that requires a stonger stomach than one would think...? But thanks for the offer, I dare say I need to do a trade-in on some of my existing friends on that front. puke

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

God, that was the best taste...ever! love

I just wish you could have captured the exact moment when I released the catch on my tourniquet and slumped face first into my dinner...

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I am NOT photogenic! It would be so nice if I could just have one spur-of-the-moment pic taken where I don't look like I have something wrong with me!

Lacuna Inc. <click link.

Bloody funny.
OMG. Thats not funny .. thats the start of the most frightening shit of all time!! Imagine the possibilities??? Yeah, I am imagining them .. and I almost wet myself!!
Well all I know is that I don't think anyone else should have played the father in to kill a mockingbird, I think he was born to play that part, I also think that pretty much ever one in that movie was the best choice for the movie, I think it is pretty much a perfect movie.