If I could get any mystical creature, it would not be some banal unicorn, dragon or magic monkey. My mythical being would be terrifying and cute! Unusual and wonderful. My mythical creature must be a real 😻CATHULHU😻
Below are some cool pictures of this super cute world destroyer!😜😋
Why do I dream of CATHULHU you ask? And not about some other unprecedented garbage! It's that simple! Just look at this kawaii piece of happiness that can simultaneously make you wonder at his sweetness and at the same time shudder in horror at his greatness!😈
By the way, if anyone did not know, I have a Cat named Dexter (named after the main character of one of my favorite TV shows).
So I sincerely hope that my cat is a real CATHULHU and that he will someday grow tentacles. My cat can be very, very cute at the same time, but at the same time something happens to him sometimes, he starts meowing and talking to me non-stop, and I would not be surprised if his meow-meow-meow would be translated as "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" 🤣😈
Photo with my beautiful destroyer of worlds🥰


I was ignoring whàts a Cathulu ⚡️😊😍