So... I went to a seven eleven, and big friggin' surprise, everyone there was completely wasted, high or all three. Anyway, I go in there and go to get a slurpee, but there's this insanely drugged out couple giggling in front of the machine thing saying that "ohmygod! blue is such an amazing color! we have to get it like now!" while trying not to fall over.
And people giggling at chip bags for no apparent reason. And the cashier asked me a bunch of questions about my shirt, and squinted and laughed at me a lot. But ya know, in a totally not mean way.
And people giggling at chip bags for no apparent reason. And the cashier asked me a bunch of questions about my shirt, and squinted and laughed at me a lot. But ya know, in a totally not mean way.
I'm doing ok... A wee bit bored... shopping online for business cards