HEY! I WILL BE COMING THROUGH SEATTLE, ROADTRIPPING ALL THE WAY DOWN TO LONG BEACH AND SAN FRANCISCO, AND THEN BACK TO SEATTLE! (In that order.) So if you wanna make a friend from Canada, let me know! 778 - 836 - 3783, and maybe we can crack a forty and swap stories or whatever. I'm hoping to make as many friends as possible, far... Read More
Never saw you before i left the park. My phone took on water on Grizzly Rapids and was DOA. Its dry and working now.
Turns out you guys were my last sign ins ever to the park.
They fired me on tuesday for my attendence points.
Turns out i had a reason to be paranoid.
Sorry i suck.
I hope the rest of your trip was amazing.
It was good seeing you. Sorry everything was weird.. its being staying pretty fucking weird.
Alright... So I feel like an asshole 'cause the word "Spam" was used... And that hurt. It's not my intention to "spam". I simply thought if you were on my friends list on SuicideGirls, you'd be friend enough to visit my... Read More
basicly i had a VERY mental friend that was in the us navy... he was being kicked out for being so mental... and he had two cars... they were only allowing him to send one that would be paid for so he decided it was a good idea to COMPLETELY trash it... (thats the short version)
"Here's a true testimonial about this boy
I need not say man because he is the complete opposite of a man or at least what a man should be
I dated this kid quite some years and he was the worst boyfriend ever and worst ex for that matter always lying about me saying I cheated on him... Read More
Fuck this. Fuck you. Fuck me. (Guess which I'd prefer?)
I'm sick of this fucking settling bullshit. I'm picky, and I have extremely high standards... But just this once, I'm not going to make any sacrifices, compromises or settlements. Fuck it. Girls are fucked. What I'm going to do, is instead of falling in love with the qualities a woman already has as opposed to... Read More
Yeaaaaah, I understand the words. I just think it's funny that someone who has displayed some serious close minded intolerance would require a woman who won't tolerate that sort of thing.
It turns out that lumping all cops together and calling for their murder is some close minded ignorant shit.
Oooooooooh man! I'm so unbelievably ridiculously angry! I haven't been this fucking pissed and fucking happy at the same time in sooooo long!
Fuck you.
You know who the fuck you are.
"I can't be with you. I love you. I am in love with you. But I can't work three jobs and go to school and maintain a happy relationship. I feel like... Read More
I still work at DLR, so no worries about admission. I can get you , me and 2 of your friends in as long as my pass isnt blocked out. SO i will find out when my pass is working otay?
Well, you should stick to just getting your tat... Coachella is mindbendingly expensive and will suck your resources dry.
Sorry sweetie, no couches, i live at home with my parents in a very small house.
Okay, so, for Coachella.. $350 for the tickets, $30 each day for water, $90 per night for the cheapest skankiest motel room. Plus food. It runs about $600 total if you want to be comfortable.
Not to mention, its about 110 degrees of dry desert heat, and no shade for any of the shows.
There are shade tents, and chill tents, but once they are full of people, they just become sticky sauna tents where you just want to stay as still as possible.
If you dont drink tons of water each day, you WILL get sick and tired from heat sickness.
Btw.. there is a chance i might be moving to Seattle this summer.... and i noticed Maple Ridge isn't too far away..
I've come to the conclusion that I cannot be of this world. I am so easily entertained by the simplest of things...
What a fucking world we live in. We can manifest memories of our past by pressing a button on a robotic-brain, which shows us pictorial evidence of things that once were. I am so fucking grateful that we have this technology. I can... Read More
i don't know if i could deal with living at a venue. i did that a few times many many many moons ago. it was cool at first, but then the whole punker than thou equals pissing in my living room got pretty fucking annoying. or drinking till you vomit.. all over the super hard to clean stuff. i don't know. i guess i sold out when i realized that i like knowing exactly what bodily fluids are, and more importantly, are not on my couch. that. and kicking people out of a bar is a lot easier at night then kicking people out of a house. the last house show i went to violent society was playing. and some 15 year old girl getting finger fucked somehow managed to follow us through the whole fucking house. the whole ordeal just made me feel sleazy and old. and way creeped out. i really didn't care for the whole "punk rawk! lets set the house on fire!" thing either. i almost beat the shit out of those kids and it wasn't even my house.
as for the bands. i don't know. the queers were pretty cheap. there are a bunch of bands out there that'll play fairly cheap. hell. sham 69 played a squat when we didn't feel like paying them 2k cause pursey's no longer in the band. i think i remember agent orange being on the cheaper side too. i hear the turbo ac's will play for about $350.
nevertheless, good luck. for your health i'd advise investing in lots of plastic wrap type shit.
Hahaha! So I thought I contracted genital herpes. And I was all jittery and scared, and thinking rather irrationally and negitively and erratically... And since the topic was Sexually Transmitted Diseases. I naturally began thinking about my ex, Jackie.
Man... That chick is fucked. Haha!
What being on Earth goes around convincing people that she is something, without actually living it? It's like a scene... Read More
I'm glad you don't have genital herpes. That'd be kinda gross.
Also glad you got outta that relationship, you are way too cool to have the life sucked outta ya by a loser
This one goes out to a girl who I was with just over a year ago.
What have I done wrong that I should be sorry?
You broke my heart, you left in no hurry . What I'm sorry for is all those wasted days,
And all those wasted ways that I loved you.
What didn't I do that made you want to leave me?... Read More
My Life is just like a car crash
So slow downs girls when you go passing me by
My world can never stop spinning
I got a girl in every city and they all know my name
Old ones and young ones and big ones and small ones
Different colours and countries I love 'em all the same
She wakes up in her make-up
We... Read More
Turns out you guys were my last sign ins ever to the park.
They fired me on tuesday for my attendence points.
Turns out i had a reason to be paranoid.
Sorry i suck.
I hope the rest of your trip was amazing.
It was good seeing you. Sorry everything was weird.. its being staying pretty fucking weird.