I wanted to go see The Watchmen in IMAX, but it's Sunday, and all my driver-friends were out of commission. Instead I sat my ass down on my couch and watched the first thing that sounded worthy of my otherwise-would-have-been-Watchmen-viewing time. I watched a powerful movie I have never even heard about called "Changeling". It's a depiction of actual events. I found it fucking moving.
This is what it's about:
It was an entertaining movie. But it raised some questions in my dome. Like, what were the motivations behind the evils that happened in that movie? What can we do to prevent them in the future?
I was talking to my good buddy Jess about it, and it wasn't until she asked me that I found the answers.
"What would make people act so terribly?"
Well... Which, the cops who lied to a distraught mother and the world to save their own asses, or the kidnapper, sex-abuser, and murderer of children?
The first one's pretty easy: Self interest.
Self interest is the root of all evil. Yes, you can analyze that as closely as you like. I have been for months now, and I'm pretty confident in its actuality. All evils begin with self interest.
Think about all the negative actions and negative emotions you can. What's the motive or cause of these? Self interest.
It's until we abandon self interest and see the human race (if not, all creations of Mother Nature) as part of the same movement, this world will never know peace. Nationalists, fascists, racists, sexists, etcetera. These are all counter-productive. Instead of expanding your mind to accept all aspects of the world for what they are, you break them down until it's broken down to terms you already believe (i.e. - understanding of said aspects are no longer factual, and rather convenient for you). Willingly subjecting ones own self to ignorance for the sake of convenience is a form of self-interest. Laziness is self interest.
In this case, the police were doing what was right for their own political press, not what was right for the people. Self interest is the culprit here.
A life of comparison is a life not worth living. Competition is a form of self-interest. Who gives a fuck about how many times I've put a cylindrical prism made of nylon through two poles, backed with twine. Hockey's fucking lame. All sports of fucking lame. Fighting is fucking lame. The only people who thoroughly enjoy the UFC are Affliction and TapOut-wearing closet-dwellers who beat up people and call them "fag" because they are embarrassed about, and can't come to terms with, their own homosexuality.
Aaaaanyhow... Hehe... Self interest is the root of all evil. We all bleed the same. We all feel the same. We are all human. We are all on this big spinny rock together. And we need to take a step back and assess a situation, apply this knowledge to it, and ask "Would I like it if someone else did this to me?"
Fuck the police.
Kill cops.
...Which answers the very next question! You know, the one about kidnapping, sexual-abusing, murderers? Who's to blame here? Why do they do what they do? And what can we do about it?
Well, I don't have the answers, but I have the formula the get them.
Yes, all bad guys should be punished, and all bad guys made a choice. This is called personal accountability. But who's to blame? Why are those bad men... well... bad?
The answer: The enviroment.
No, not the clouds, and the evergreens, and the cute little bunnies munching on carrots in the wild... The other kind of environment! You know - the surroundings you're exposed to when your brain is doing that rapidly-expanding thing. Situational, emotional... That kind of environment.
I can guarantee you right now, that I can take a baby, and raise it to do anything and not have second thoughts about it. I can turn a six-pound, miniature human being who shits itself into a brick house of a grown-up-killing-machine that knows how to wipe its own ass and chew with its mouth closed.
This is the only reason why Christians think they're right.
And this is the reason "child molestation" is a term you still hear.
They discovered that a disturbingly/extremely high percentage of child molesters were actually sexually abused as children themselves.
If only we were to somehow prevent this from happening, then maybe the vicious cycle would end. But no, we incarcerate and punish instead of cracking these fuck ups open and peeking into their brains to see what really makes them work. What caused these disturbing urges? What can we do to prevent them?
(For the record, I'm well aware that anomalies and mutations exist, and it's possible (although, not likely) that a person somewhere can be born with murderous urges... But we can still prevent those too, if we put enough research into it. Who knows? Maybe we'll discover that the lining on the inside of a tin can used to preserve and package and transport sliced fruit has a chemical in it that fucks up the chemical make up of a baby's developing brain. And maybe we'll say "Hey, maybe pregnant women shouldn't eat this!" And maybe we'll take it off the market. And maybe we'll prevent it in the future...
...But going back to what I was saying before: You think the packaging, or sliced-fruit corporation actually gives a shit about a couple pregnant chicks with stabby-babies? No. They're more likely to pay a couple people ridiculous amounts of money to keep quiet about it. Because they're more likely to lose business, and more money than the few large bribes, if the truth gets out. And the purpose of a corporation isn't to do what's right. No. The purpose of a corporation is to ensure profit and expansion and ultimately control a product or service. Self interest has just been mechanized into a well-oiled machine: The corporation. Self interest again at work here! Bad! Naughty! No! Evil!)
We'll never have the answers if we're going to sit here feeling like we've done something because another rapist/child-molester/murderer is in jail.
People, that's an immediate treatment of the present. And as good as that is for our own well being in the immediate future... A treatment isn't a fucking cure.
Now don't get me wrong. Everyone should be held responsible for their own actions, because we all have the ability to decipher right from wrong in the most basic sense of the term... But sweeping the dirt under the carpet doesn't mean you're clean. And segregating a person with an obvious flaw to the make up of their brain doesn't mean the human race is saved.
This is fucking stupid.
So who's to blame?
Is it the woman for dressing so sexy?
Is it the rapist himself for having those urges?
Is it the father of the rapist who raped him as a child, thus implanting these fucked up urges within the criminal in question?
Is it the government for not having programs to prevent these sorts of things?
...Hmmmm... Maybe we're all to blame.
After all, there's no fucking way I'm the first person to think these thoughts. Yet I have read about more crimes in the paper than I can ever count or dare to remember.
I think the system is at fault. What we're doing obviously isn't working. We need analytical science on the motivations of criminals. Not tax raises to pay for more cops.
Maybe it is the individual. After all, I was touched inappropriately as a child, and I knew it was wrong, and I never in my life have had an urge to pass that on to anyone. I find children fascinating, not attractive. I find children amusing, not... Ugh... I don't even want to go on with this. But my point here, is maybe all those kiddie-diddlers made the conscious decision to have those urges? What makes me so different?
And maybe those murderers/kidnappers should be punished to the utmost extent after all. I made the choice to stop when I found myself dressed in all black with a glock in my pocket and industrial-strength zap straps in my belt loop. After crying for half a week straight, without any sleep, I was well on my way to kill the fucker who subdued, repeatedly raped and tried-to-murder the girl I was in love with. (Read Unwritten Chapter 16 "Lowest of All of Christoph's Lows"). I mean... It took a lot of courage to turn my shit around, and I'm glad I did, and it wasn't fucking easy... But I still did it. Now what's the excuse for everyone else who actually finished that walk to 206B street to pull that trigger?
I dunno... But what I DO know:
Fuck the police. Kill cops.
No, I don't mean shoot the man dressed in blue with a black version of Batman's utility belt. No. I mean, "the police" are something that needs to be eradicated. Punishing people is well and good (and trust me, there was a time when I almost took the punishing part into my own hands because I felt it was a very just thing to do), but it doesn't do anything. It allows for the cycle to repeat.
Just like politicians, the police do nothing. They don't allow for change, even if it IS for the better. No laws state that if we find a better way to do things, cops and judges and lawyers will be out of work. Fuck no! The system is calculated, produced, and implemented to ensure that the cycle continues to act as it always has, does and will.
The purpose of political and legal institutions is to ensure longevity of that institution.
You pay your ticket for not wearing a seat belt and they see this, and think "Wow... This works! Now we have enough money to hire more cops to fine more people!" ...Sounds like a corporation, doesn't it?
The purpose of the police is not to fight crime. The purpose of the police is social control and protection of property.
I think it's about time things changed...
I'm fucking tired. I forgot half the shit I wanted to say as I was too busy writing the first thing I thought. This phenomena happened dozens of times in this note. I feel I've left a lot of very crucial elements out. Fuck it. I think my point is illustrated. Maybe not to the fullest extent. But it's there.
Fuck it. I'm going to sleep.
- A Very Pissed Off, Yet In-Control-Enough-Of-His-Emotions-To-Remain-Inquisitive Christoph
This is what it's about:
It was an entertaining movie. But it raised some questions in my dome. Like, what were the motivations behind the evils that happened in that movie? What can we do to prevent them in the future?
I was talking to my good buddy Jess about it, and it wasn't until she asked me that I found the answers.
"What would make people act so terribly?"
Well... Which, the cops who lied to a distraught mother and the world to save their own asses, or the kidnapper, sex-abuser, and murderer of children?
The first one's pretty easy: Self interest.
Self interest is the root of all evil. Yes, you can analyze that as closely as you like. I have been for months now, and I'm pretty confident in its actuality. All evils begin with self interest.
Think about all the negative actions and negative emotions you can. What's the motive or cause of these? Self interest.
It's until we abandon self interest and see the human race (if not, all creations of Mother Nature) as part of the same movement, this world will never know peace. Nationalists, fascists, racists, sexists, etcetera. These are all counter-productive. Instead of expanding your mind to accept all aspects of the world for what they are, you break them down until it's broken down to terms you already believe (i.e. - understanding of said aspects are no longer factual, and rather convenient for you). Willingly subjecting ones own self to ignorance for the sake of convenience is a form of self-interest. Laziness is self interest.
In this case, the police were doing what was right for their own political press, not what was right for the people. Self interest is the culprit here.
A life of comparison is a life not worth living. Competition is a form of self-interest. Who gives a fuck about how many times I've put a cylindrical prism made of nylon through two poles, backed with twine. Hockey's fucking lame. All sports of fucking lame. Fighting is fucking lame. The only people who thoroughly enjoy the UFC are Affliction and TapOut-wearing closet-dwellers who beat up people and call them "fag" because they are embarrassed about, and can't come to terms with, their own homosexuality.
Aaaaanyhow... Hehe... Self interest is the root of all evil. We all bleed the same. We all feel the same. We are all human. We are all on this big spinny rock together. And we need to take a step back and assess a situation, apply this knowledge to it, and ask "Would I like it if someone else did this to me?"
Fuck the police.
Kill cops.
...Which answers the very next question! You know, the one about kidnapping, sexual-abusing, murderers? Who's to blame here? Why do they do what they do? And what can we do about it?
Well, I don't have the answers, but I have the formula the get them.
Yes, all bad guys should be punished, and all bad guys made a choice. This is called personal accountability. But who's to blame? Why are those bad men... well... bad?
The answer: The enviroment.
No, not the clouds, and the evergreens, and the cute little bunnies munching on carrots in the wild... The other kind of environment! You know - the surroundings you're exposed to when your brain is doing that rapidly-expanding thing. Situational, emotional... That kind of environment.
I can guarantee you right now, that I can take a baby, and raise it to do anything and not have second thoughts about it. I can turn a six-pound, miniature human being who shits itself into a brick house of a grown-up-killing-machine that knows how to wipe its own ass and chew with its mouth closed.
This is the only reason why Christians think they're right.
And this is the reason "child molestation" is a term you still hear.
They discovered that a disturbingly/extremely high percentage of child molesters were actually sexually abused as children themselves.
If only we were to somehow prevent this from happening, then maybe the vicious cycle would end. But no, we incarcerate and punish instead of cracking these fuck ups open and peeking into their brains to see what really makes them work. What caused these disturbing urges? What can we do to prevent them?
(For the record, I'm well aware that anomalies and mutations exist, and it's possible (although, not likely) that a person somewhere can be born with murderous urges... But we can still prevent those too, if we put enough research into it. Who knows? Maybe we'll discover that the lining on the inside of a tin can used to preserve and package and transport sliced fruit has a chemical in it that fucks up the chemical make up of a baby's developing brain. And maybe we'll say "Hey, maybe pregnant women shouldn't eat this!" And maybe we'll take it off the market. And maybe we'll prevent it in the future...
...But going back to what I was saying before: You think the packaging, or sliced-fruit corporation actually gives a shit about a couple pregnant chicks with stabby-babies? No. They're more likely to pay a couple people ridiculous amounts of money to keep quiet about it. Because they're more likely to lose business, and more money than the few large bribes, if the truth gets out. And the purpose of a corporation isn't to do what's right. No. The purpose of a corporation is to ensure profit and expansion and ultimately control a product or service. Self interest has just been mechanized into a well-oiled machine: The corporation. Self interest again at work here! Bad! Naughty! No! Evil!)
We'll never have the answers if we're going to sit here feeling like we've done something because another rapist/child-molester/murderer is in jail.
People, that's an immediate treatment of the present. And as good as that is for our own well being in the immediate future... A treatment isn't a fucking cure.
Now don't get me wrong. Everyone should be held responsible for their own actions, because we all have the ability to decipher right from wrong in the most basic sense of the term... But sweeping the dirt under the carpet doesn't mean you're clean. And segregating a person with an obvious flaw to the make up of their brain doesn't mean the human race is saved.
This is fucking stupid.
So who's to blame?
Is it the woman for dressing so sexy?
Is it the rapist himself for having those urges?
Is it the father of the rapist who raped him as a child, thus implanting these fucked up urges within the criminal in question?
Is it the government for not having programs to prevent these sorts of things?
...Hmmmm... Maybe we're all to blame.
After all, there's no fucking way I'm the first person to think these thoughts. Yet I have read about more crimes in the paper than I can ever count or dare to remember.
I think the system is at fault. What we're doing obviously isn't working. We need analytical science on the motivations of criminals. Not tax raises to pay for more cops.
Maybe it is the individual. After all, I was touched inappropriately as a child, and I knew it was wrong, and I never in my life have had an urge to pass that on to anyone. I find children fascinating, not attractive. I find children amusing, not... Ugh... I don't even want to go on with this. But my point here, is maybe all those kiddie-diddlers made the conscious decision to have those urges? What makes me so different?
And maybe those murderers/kidnappers should be punished to the utmost extent after all. I made the choice to stop when I found myself dressed in all black with a glock in my pocket and industrial-strength zap straps in my belt loop. After crying for half a week straight, without any sleep, I was well on my way to kill the fucker who subdued, repeatedly raped and tried-to-murder the girl I was in love with. (Read Unwritten Chapter 16 "Lowest of All of Christoph's Lows"). I mean... It took a lot of courage to turn my shit around, and I'm glad I did, and it wasn't fucking easy... But I still did it. Now what's the excuse for everyone else who actually finished that walk to 206B street to pull that trigger?
I dunno... But what I DO know:
Fuck the police. Kill cops.
No, I don't mean shoot the man dressed in blue with a black version of Batman's utility belt. No. I mean, "the police" are something that needs to be eradicated. Punishing people is well and good (and trust me, there was a time when I almost took the punishing part into my own hands because I felt it was a very just thing to do), but it doesn't do anything. It allows for the cycle to repeat.
Just like politicians, the police do nothing. They don't allow for change, even if it IS for the better. No laws state that if we find a better way to do things, cops and judges and lawyers will be out of work. Fuck no! The system is calculated, produced, and implemented to ensure that the cycle continues to act as it always has, does and will.
The purpose of political and legal institutions is to ensure longevity of that institution.
You pay your ticket for not wearing a seat belt and they see this, and think "Wow... This works! Now we have enough money to hire more cops to fine more people!" ...Sounds like a corporation, doesn't it?
The purpose of the police is not to fight crime. The purpose of the police is social control and protection of property.
I think it's about time things changed...
I'm fucking tired. I forgot half the shit I wanted to say as I was too busy writing the first thing I thought. This phenomena happened dozens of times in this note. I feel I've left a lot of very crucial elements out. Fuck it. I think my point is illustrated. Maybe not to the fullest extent. But it's there.
Fuck it. I'm going to sleep.
- A Very Pissed Off, Yet In-Control-Enough-Of-His-Emotions-To-Remain-Inquisitive Christoph
Ska fest this year? Or warped tour? I know warped tour is usually a big pile of balls. BUT there is anti-flag and NOFX and that pretty much cancels out every emo band with nostalgic awesomeness. I haven't seen antiflag in like forever. It would make me feel awkward and 17 again.