I said I'd never do those stupid survey things, but this one allows for creative freedom, and I have two days off from the studio, so I think I'll partake in some redundancy to exercise my lazy-muscle.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1) I think... Much more than anyone I've ever met has given me credit for.
2) I'm not a dick. I just don't like putting up with counter-productive bullshit. Some people think that because they're a moron, I'm an asshole because I prefer to not be dragged down. I've been there more times than anyone I know, and I'm not going back.
3) I bought a gun and was on my way to murder someone when I was 16. They raped and attempted to murder someone I held VERY near and dear. On my 20 minute walk to kill this person, something happened in my head: If I do this, I'll simply be fucking myself over for the rest of my life. Since this exact moment, I've exercised rational thought. Punishing criminals is a treament for a symptom. Learning from their ways and preventing it in the future is the cure.
4) I'm the most tolerant person in the world. Except for when it comes to intolerance. I am intolerant to the intolerant. Does this make my a hypocrite? No. This represents good moral content.
5) I'm a pacifist by nature, not by choice. But I've fucked people up so hard that their bones were poking through their skin after the fact. I know how to destroy. It comes from the ability to think rationally. This is something a lot of people who start fights lack. Hence, I've never started a fight, and I've never taken a single blow from anything other than an accident.
6) I worship women. Sometimes too much. I'm addicted. No, not physically, although that is oftentimes a symptom of such. But I am purely infatuated by the presence of females.
7) I ask questions more than anyone I know. Not because I don't understand, but because I want to know everything I can. It's a road I'll never discover the end to, but it's a road I must travel. This aspect of my personality fucking irritates impatient folks. I'm not trying to test you or alter you or come off as better than you, I simply want to see what makes you tick. With this knowledge, anything can be accomplished.
8) I am going to make this world a better place.
9) I have never done a drug in my life. Medication, I've had. Alcohol, I've had. But "drugs", not a single one. Do I consider marijuana a drug? Who fucking cares. I've never smoked the shit. Altering your perception on reality is something I fucking despise. I hate junkies. I hate wastes of life. I'm going to spend my time in this life trying to figure out all there is to know in this reality, as opposed to creating a false one. This is how you become an unproductive shell. This is something I fear worse than death.
10) I'm against having children. There's enough kids on the planet to take care of. My own DNA is not a matter of fucking relevance. I'm not a selfish person. I'd rather raise a million orphans, than have a single child of my own. But that's just how I feel these days. Until idiots learn to pull out and blow somewhere sexy, we're going to have to pick up the slack and take care of the poor small human beings who are left behind. Which brings me to my next point:
11) I fucking LOVE children. If you have kids, please let me play with them. The way a child's mind operates is fucking amazing. It absorbs everything indiscriminately. I love to babysit and take care of little people (children, not midgets... midgets can go fuck themselves... I'm sick of being ripped off by midgets... Everytime I let them borrow some money, they always come up a little SHORT when it's time to pay me back... Hehehe). But because I'm six-foot-something, big, mohawked, tattooed and loud, people tend to think I'm an insociable prick. Hooray for prejudices! But back on topic... I love using my imagination and playing with kids. I love taking a mental step back and going "This smaller version of a person has so much possibility and endeavor ahead of them". That kid you're playing Ninja Turtles with might be the kid to find the cure to AIDS.
12) I'm against marriage. God doesn't exist, and the goverment is fucked up - so why the fuck should I have to prove to either of these things that my love for someone is true, and that I'm committed to them? Which brings me to my next point:
13) I hate tradition. I enjoy all the positive aspects of each and every holiday and event, don't get me wrong. But tradition is counter-productive. From tradition spawns superstition, and superstition causes people to burn at the stake. Fuck the bible. Tradition imprisons people within their own comfort zones, and when something becomes obsolete they feel threatened. And when threatened, innocent bystanders get blown up. Fuck religion. Fuck weddings. Fuck people who get retardedly offended when I'm too busy to remember their birthday (you know who the fuck you are... You can REMAIN a casual acquaintance, Ms. Former-Friends). I will look for any excuse to give presents when possible. And an excuse to party is as good as any. But we should do these things for the sake of good vibrations and positivity, MUCH more often. As opposed to "Let's wait another year for this to happen again." Oh, and as much as I hate tradition, I'm happy I'm circumsized.
14) I fucking HATE closed-minded people.
15) There's a difference between confidence and arrogance. A lot of women who get used for sex seem to lack the ability to discriminate between the two. However, a lot of people think I'm an arrogant prick because I know my worth, and I won't waste my time with something that I feel isn't worth my time. No offense, but I could not be bothered to give a shit about what he said or she said. I am much too important for menial bullshit such as this. Why? Because I have dreams and goals instead of a regular seat at a bar.
16) I have more faith in humanity than anyone I've encountered.
17) I have really fucked up feet. My mom will tell you it's hereditary as a means of pinning every "flaw" (if it can be called that) on my biological father. She'll also tell you that she speaks to voices from beyond the grave. Haha! But yeah, they're called hammer-toes. It's because I grew up too fast, and our poor family couldn't afford a new pair of shoes for me every month during my just-hitting-puberty-and-is-growing-like-a-weed phase. So now all the bones and tendons in my feet are fucked. Just another unique trait, to my physique, mate! Haha!
18) I'm big on standing up for what you believe in. I wear my mohawk like a fucking badge because I want everyone who meets me to know that I fully support Unity, D.I.Y. Ethics and Radical change for the better. That's what punk rock is. Anyone who tells you different is probably the type who thinks it's counter-revolutionary to practive proper personal hygiene and drinks paint. No matter what faction of punk you look at (despite how fucked up they may or may not be), these three elements are present.
19) I used to weigh 360lbs. You can lose 140lbs too! Do what I did: Stop being such a fucking fatass! Its easy! It doesn't involve pills, or diets, or exercise! I promise. You'll lose the weight if you simply stop being such a fucking fatass. All I did was stop hating myself. And with that, came the natural intolerance to negative influence I was inflicting upon myself. And with that came a healthier body. The end.
20) My virginity was taken from me when I was eleven by an older girl I never met before or after the event. A year and a bit later, I gave my REAL virginity to a girl I was with (for way too fucking long), while Nine Inch Nails's "Closer" played on repeat (for way too fucking long).
21) I think people should stop taking what's given to them and start giving instead. Stop reading and start writing. Stop listening and start making music. Expression is definitely lacking in the big picture of things. We need to win the war against those who want us to simply swallow what they hand us. Expression is freedom. Exercise this rght.
22) Only when you completely abandon all belief in religion and faith, will you discover what God is... The answer is PEOPLE. Because only their minds can they conjure up anything. Physical or not, it becomes real, and creation ensues. This isn't a trait of some bearded, robe-wearing man in the sky. No. It's YOU. You can make a decision right now, and live by it for the rest of your life. Whether or not it's rational, doesn't fucking matter because you will live it out. Butterflies and hurricanes. I cannot wait for the day in which all human beings suffer from an open mind. Consciousness shift please!
23) The nickname was given to my by a gutterpunk named Bradley. My mom raised my on punk and reggae, but I listened to everything. "You have slutty tastes in music, punk" became "PunkerSlut". "PunkerSlut" became "Slut" when I had sex with 74 women in 37 days for the sluttiest of reasons: My pathetic little heart was broken and I needed self-reassurance. Oh, and manipulative, lying, unfaithful girls usually do a number on your confidence when you're with them for a better part of a decade. So a test of my true worth was in order. Turns out chicks dig me, despite what that bitch said. Turns out my weiner isn't "meh". Turns out I'm not as ugly as she would have me to believe. And most of all: Turns out all the shit she put on me was because she's a dump-truck. She had too many issues with herself, so she dumped them on me. Her self-confidence issues were transferred unto me. Her fear of being alone was ultimately passed on by her making me think I'll never do better. She had issues with her body, so she made me have issues with mine. Most unfortunately out of all of this, is the fact that it wasn't subliminal. It was a blatantly conscious decision she made in order to keep me with her. Fucked up, eh? Luckily, I'm not an absolute fucking retard, and I'll never pass on this hurt to anyone else. I wish it upon nobody.
24) I am not afraid of anything.
25) No fetishes. Just preferences. Well... My preferences are so extreme and radiant that when someone who meets certain criteria moseys on into my life, I tend to have a rather intense infatuation with them. I'm not super picky. Don't get me wrong. I love all women. It's just when a talented, tattooed, open minded, self-expressing, lovely, kind, beautiful, honest, loving, caring, conscious, intelligent, sincere, creative, vibrant woman enters my crosshairs... I think of very little else.
26) I don't play by the fucking rules. I'll write a number 26 if I fucking want to. That, AND I love to type more than I ever should.
(Fuck... I need a girlfriend... Haha!)
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1) I think... Much more than anyone I've ever met has given me credit for.
2) I'm not a dick. I just don't like putting up with counter-productive bullshit. Some people think that because they're a moron, I'm an asshole because I prefer to not be dragged down. I've been there more times than anyone I know, and I'm not going back.
3) I bought a gun and was on my way to murder someone when I was 16. They raped and attempted to murder someone I held VERY near and dear. On my 20 minute walk to kill this person, something happened in my head: If I do this, I'll simply be fucking myself over for the rest of my life. Since this exact moment, I've exercised rational thought. Punishing criminals is a treament for a symptom. Learning from their ways and preventing it in the future is the cure.
4) I'm the most tolerant person in the world. Except for when it comes to intolerance. I am intolerant to the intolerant. Does this make my a hypocrite? No. This represents good moral content.
5) I'm a pacifist by nature, not by choice. But I've fucked people up so hard that their bones were poking through their skin after the fact. I know how to destroy. It comes from the ability to think rationally. This is something a lot of people who start fights lack. Hence, I've never started a fight, and I've never taken a single blow from anything other than an accident.
6) I worship women. Sometimes too much. I'm addicted. No, not physically, although that is oftentimes a symptom of such. But I am purely infatuated by the presence of females.
7) I ask questions more than anyone I know. Not because I don't understand, but because I want to know everything I can. It's a road I'll never discover the end to, but it's a road I must travel. This aspect of my personality fucking irritates impatient folks. I'm not trying to test you or alter you or come off as better than you, I simply want to see what makes you tick. With this knowledge, anything can be accomplished.
8) I am going to make this world a better place.
9) I have never done a drug in my life. Medication, I've had. Alcohol, I've had. But "drugs", not a single one. Do I consider marijuana a drug? Who fucking cares. I've never smoked the shit. Altering your perception on reality is something I fucking despise. I hate junkies. I hate wastes of life. I'm going to spend my time in this life trying to figure out all there is to know in this reality, as opposed to creating a false one. This is how you become an unproductive shell. This is something I fear worse than death.
10) I'm against having children. There's enough kids on the planet to take care of. My own DNA is not a matter of fucking relevance. I'm not a selfish person. I'd rather raise a million orphans, than have a single child of my own. But that's just how I feel these days. Until idiots learn to pull out and blow somewhere sexy, we're going to have to pick up the slack and take care of the poor small human beings who are left behind. Which brings me to my next point:
11) I fucking LOVE children. If you have kids, please let me play with them. The way a child's mind operates is fucking amazing. It absorbs everything indiscriminately. I love to babysit and take care of little people (children, not midgets... midgets can go fuck themselves... I'm sick of being ripped off by midgets... Everytime I let them borrow some money, they always come up a little SHORT when it's time to pay me back... Hehehe). But because I'm six-foot-something, big, mohawked, tattooed and loud, people tend to think I'm an insociable prick. Hooray for prejudices! But back on topic... I love using my imagination and playing with kids. I love taking a mental step back and going "This smaller version of a person has so much possibility and endeavor ahead of them". That kid you're playing Ninja Turtles with might be the kid to find the cure to AIDS.
12) I'm against marriage. God doesn't exist, and the goverment is fucked up - so why the fuck should I have to prove to either of these things that my love for someone is true, and that I'm committed to them? Which brings me to my next point:
13) I hate tradition. I enjoy all the positive aspects of each and every holiday and event, don't get me wrong. But tradition is counter-productive. From tradition spawns superstition, and superstition causes people to burn at the stake. Fuck the bible. Tradition imprisons people within their own comfort zones, and when something becomes obsolete they feel threatened. And when threatened, innocent bystanders get blown up. Fuck religion. Fuck weddings. Fuck people who get retardedly offended when I'm too busy to remember their birthday (you know who the fuck you are... You can REMAIN a casual acquaintance, Ms. Former-Friends). I will look for any excuse to give presents when possible. And an excuse to party is as good as any. But we should do these things for the sake of good vibrations and positivity, MUCH more often. As opposed to "Let's wait another year for this to happen again." Oh, and as much as I hate tradition, I'm happy I'm circumsized.
14) I fucking HATE closed-minded people.
15) There's a difference between confidence and arrogance. A lot of women who get used for sex seem to lack the ability to discriminate between the two. However, a lot of people think I'm an arrogant prick because I know my worth, and I won't waste my time with something that I feel isn't worth my time. No offense, but I could not be bothered to give a shit about what he said or she said. I am much too important for menial bullshit such as this. Why? Because I have dreams and goals instead of a regular seat at a bar.
16) I have more faith in humanity than anyone I've encountered.
17) I have really fucked up feet. My mom will tell you it's hereditary as a means of pinning every "flaw" (if it can be called that) on my biological father. She'll also tell you that she speaks to voices from beyond the grave. Haha! But yeah, they're called hammer-toes. It's because I grew up too fast, and our poor family couldn't afford a new pair of shoes for me every month during my just-hitting-puberty-and-is-growing-like-a-weed phase. So now all the bones and tendons in my feet are fucked. Just another unique trait, to my physique, mate! Haha!
18) I'm big on standing up for what you believe in. I wear my mohawk like a fucking badge because I want everyone who meets me to know that I fully support Unity, D.I.Y. Ethics and Radical change for the better. That's what punk rock is. Anyone who tells you different is probably the type who thinks it's counter-revolutionary to practive proper personal hygiene and drinks paint. No matter what faction of punk you look at (despite how fucked up they may or may not be), these three elements are present.
19) I used to weigh 360lbs. You can lose 140lbs too! Do what I did: Stop being such a fucking fatass! Its easy! It doesn't involve pills, or diets, or exercise! I promise. You'll lose the weight if you simply stop being such a fucking fatass. All I did was stop hating myself. And with that, came the natural intolerance to negative influence I was inflicting upon myself. And with that came a healthier body. The end.
20) My virginity was taken from me when I was eleven by an older girl I never met before or after the event. A year and a bit later, I gave my REAL virginity to a girl I was with (for way too fucking long), while Nine Inch Nails's "Closer" played on repeat (for way too fucking long).
21) I think people should stop taking what's given to them and start giving instead. Stop reading and start writing. Stop listening and start making music. Expression is definitely lacking in the big picture of things. We need to win the war against those who want us to simply swallow what they hand us. Expression is freedom. Exercise this rght.
22) Only when you completely abandon all belief in religion and faith, will you discover what God is... The answer is PEOPLE. Because only their minds can they conjure up anything. Physical or not, it becomes real, and creation ensues. This isn't a trait of some bearded, robe-wearing man in the sky. No. It's YOU. You can make a decision right now, and live by it for the rest of your life. Whether or not it's rational, doesn't fucking matter because you will live it out. Butterflies and hurricanes. I cannot wait for the day in which all human beings suffer from an open mind. Consciousness shift please!
23) The nickname was given to my by a gutterpunk named Bradley. My mom raised my on punk and reggae, but I listened to everything. "You have slutty tastes in music, punk" became "PunkerSlut". "PunkerSlut" became "Slut" when I had sex with 74 women in 37 days for the sluttiest of reasons: My pathetic little heart was broken and I needed self-reassurance. Oh, and manipulative, lying, unfaithful girls usually do a number on your confidence when you're with them for a better part of a decade. So a test of my true worth was in order. Turns out chicks dig me, despite what that bitch said. Turns out my weiner isn't "meh". Turns out I'm not as ugly as she would have me to believe. And most of all: Turns out all the shit she put on me was because she's a dump-truck. She had too many issues with herself, so she dumped them on me. Her self-confidence issues were transferred unto me. Her fear of being alone was ultimately passed on by her making me think I'll never do better. She had issues with her body, so she made me have issues with mine. Most unfortunately out of all of this, is the fact that it wasn't subliminal. It was a blatantly conscious decision she made in order to keep me with her. Fucked up, eh? Luckily, I'm not an absolute fucking retard, and I'll never pass on this hurt to anyone else. I wish it upon nobody.
24) I am not afraid of anything.
25) No fetishes. Just preferences. Well... My preferences are so extreme and radiant that when someone who meets certain criteria moseys on into my life, I tend to have a rather intense infatuation with them. I'm not super picky. Don't get me wrong. I love all women. It's just when a talented, tattooed, open minded, self-expressing, lovely, kind, beautiful, honest, loving, caring, conscious, intelligent, sincere, creative, vibrant woman enters my crosshairs... I think of very little else.
26) I don't play by the fucking rules. I'll write a number 26 if I fucking want to. That, AND I love to type more than I ever should.
(Fuck... I need a girlfriend... Haha!)
Yeah. Alright already. Get something done so that my ears can obtain new note and sound alogorithms instead of the same ol' dusty rollercoaster ride they have grown accustomed to moving upon.