So, since I'm on an observational-complaint-rampage, I thought I'd continue:
Dear Maple Ridge,
Fuck you. Why is it, that you would have 9 buses go in one direction, and not a single one returning in the other over the course of one hour? This is fucking ridiculous. My guitarist can't come over before work for a bit of writing now, because your buses would rather play "follow-the-leader" as opposed to practicing common sense and working anywhere remotely close to the practical and reasonable bus-times posted on your website. Whoever runs your company needs a punch in the side of the neck.
Oh, and when a bus finally does come after seventy-nine minutes of waiting, it drives right by him. So I've come to the conclusion that maybe my guitarist is dead, and/or maybe the buses are dead. And that the reason my guitarist doesn't see any buses is because he cannot see ghost-buses, or maybe the reason the buses cannot see Andrew, is because he is, in fact, a ghost himself. I do not know...
Possible Soloutions:
Have one of those mostly incompetent, highly useless transit-security half-cops (if the police are five-o, these guys are two-point-fives) drive to each stop and alert each paying customer as to why they're going to have to explain themselves to their boss for being retardedly late.
When a bus finally does come, the extremely late and compliant should be greeted with an apology, and explanation as to why the fuck the buses are so late, and should not have to pay a are for such shoddy service.
Get more fucking Whoopi Goldberg buses, so I can write some fucking music with my possibly-dead guitarist.
Oh, one more thing, the amount of bus-drivers that are relentless self-serving pricks, is just amazing. I suggest you make sure your employees are suitable for customer service as well as driving a bus. Just because you deal with people all day, doesn't give you any right to be a fucking asshole to everyone who steps onto your bus. There are plenty of jobs out there that involve being polite to the people who pay you for your service, and they manage just fine. If you don't like that or can't handle this fact, stop fucking working with people and find a new fucking job.
One Extremely Pissed Off Customer
Dear Maple Ridge,
Fuck you. Why is it, that you would have 9 buses go in one direction, and not a single one returning in the other over the course of one hour? This is fucking ridiculous. My guitarist can't come over before work for a bit of writing now, because your buses would rather play "follow-the-leader" as opposed to practicing common sense and working anywhere remotely close to the practical and reasonable bus-times posted on your website. Whoever runs your company needs a punch in the side of the neck.
Oh, and when a bus finally does come after seventy-nine minutes of waiting, it drives right by him. So I've come to the conclusion that maybe my guitarist is dead, and/or maybe the buses are dead. And that the reason my guitarist doesn't see any buses is because he cannot see ghost-buses, or maybe the reason the buses cannot see Andrew, is because he is, in fact, a ghost himself. I do not know...
Possible Soloutions:
Have one of those mostly incompetent, highly useless transit-security half-cops (if the police are five-o, these guys are two-point-fives) drive to each stop and alert each paying customer as to why they're going to have to explain themselves to their boss for being retardedly late.
When a bus finally does come, the extremely late and compliant should be greeted with an apology, and explanation as to why the fuck the buses are so late, and should not have to pay a are for such shoddy service.
Get more fucking Whoopi Goldberg buses, so I can write some fucking music with my possibly-dead guitarist.
Oh, one more thing, the amount of bus-drivers that are relentless self-serving pricks, is just amazing. I suggest you make sure your employees are suitable for customer service as well as driving a bus. Just because you deal with people all day, doesn't give you any right to be a fucking asshole to everyone who steps onto your bus. There are plenty of jobs out there that involve being polite to the people who pay you for your service, and they manage just fine. If you don't like that or can't handle this fact, stop fucking working with people and find a new fucking job.
One Extremely Pissed Off Customer
Never Die.
*jinkies* Someone's grouchy.