I'm happy, as per usual, yeah...
But I'm so fucking angry right now.
Last night, me and cute little buddy of mine went longboarding. Hopped a bus so we can grab a bite, she can get a piercing and some smokes, hit up some friends' places on the way back...
All it takes is a little rain to ruin the day.
So we said fuck it, skated in the rain anyways. Got a bite to eat. Piercing didn't happen. Some intense skating ensued...
We're outside of this Youth Centre askin' kids for smokes (We're doin' 'em a favour, they sholdn't be smoking anyways!), when three really tall, really skinny, probably tweeker G-Unit thug fucking hick retard wannabe's show up. One kid, the one who was jumping and singing and dancing, gets singled out... Oh, did I mention these guys were in their 20's? Anyhow, these three guys single in one this one fuckin' 13 or 14 year old, and push him around. The kid was playfighting just moments before, so at first I thought they were friends, joking around...
The fuckin' older one pins the kid up against a wall and smokes him in the face about 20 times. I wasn't paying attention much 'cause I thought they were fooling around, and to be honest when I WAS paying attention, I didn't even noticed it was real until about the fifth punch. So instant adrenaline. Start shaking. And as soon as I feel the urge to fuck some shit up, it's over, and the "thugs" are running. Security comes out, gives the kid who just got shitkicked a hard time and give him shit...
Why the fuck didn't I step in?
Why the fuck didn't I clip anyone upside the head with the longboard I had on me?
Why the fuck didn't I even say anything?
Why the fuck?! WHY?!?!?!
It's been fucking haunting me for the past 12 hours! I could have fucking stopped a kid from getting his ass kicked! But I didn't! WHY?!?!?!?!!?!!
I was by FAR the biggest fucking guy there. I was one of the oldest. The fucking dude was pewny. I could have fucked his shit up something hardcore, but I didn't! ...WHY???!?!?!
I fucking hate fighting. I really do. I'm so much more of a lover than a fighter. And in the FEW minor instances when I have gotten into fights, my friends said they actually thought I was going to kill the other guy.
"I'm so fucking glad you're the nicest person I know, and my friend. I would NOT want to fuck with you man!"
So I'm good at it... But I don't like it?!
This is all so fucking stupid!
Sooooo pissed.
At me.
At the fuckin' loser who beats people up for... Get this....
You ready?
As he was beating the shit out of someone about half his age, he was screaming like a little girl "You owe me smokes, faggot! You owe me smokes, faggot!" No better reason to make a kid want to shoot up his school than... a handful of cigarettes.
I hate this fucking town.
I hate the inhabitants of this fucking town.
I want to light this whole fucking town on fire. At the borders. And fucking burn all the idiots inside.
I'm pissed off.
I really, really am.
Kill. Hate.
- PunkerSlut
But I'm so fucking angry right now.
Last night, me and cute little buddy of mine went longboarding. Hopped a bus so we can grab a bite, she can get a piercing and some smokes, hit up some friends' places on the way back...
All it takes is a little rain to ruin the day.
So we said fuck it, skated in the rain anyways. Got a bite to eat. Piercing didn't happen. Some intense skating ensued...
We're outside of this Youth Centre askin' kids for smokes (We're doin' 'em a favour, they sholdn't be smoking anyways!), when three really tall, really skinny, probably tweeker G-Unit thug fucking hick retard wannabe's show up. One kid, the one who was jumping and singing and dancing, gets singled out... Oh, did I mention these guys were in their 20's? Anyhow, these three guys single in one this one fuckin' 13 or 14 year old, and push him around. The kid was playfighting just moments before, so at first I thought they were friends, joking around...
The fuckin' older one pins the kid up against a wall and smokes him in the face about 20 times. I wasn't paying attention much 'cause I thought they were fooling around, and to be honest when I WAS paying attention, I didn't even noticed it was real until about the fifth punch. So instant adrenaline. Start shaking. And as soon as I feel the urge to fuck some shit up, it's over, and the "thugs" are running. Security comes out, gives the kid who just got shitkicked a hard time and give him shit...
Why the fuck didn't I step in?
Why the fuck didn't I clip anyone upside the head with the longboard I had on me?
Why the fuck didn't I even say anything?
Why the fuck?! WHY?!?!?!
It's been fucking haunting me for the past 12 hours! I could have fucking stopped a kid from getting his ass kicked! But I didn't! WHY?!?!?!?!!?!!
I was by FAR the biggest fucking guy there. I was one of the oldest. The fucking dude was pewny. I could have fucked his shit up something hardcore, but I didn't! ...WHY???!?!?!
I fucking hate fighting. I really do. I'm so much more of a lover than a fighter. And in the FEW minor instances when I have gotten into fights, my friends said they actually thought I was going to kill the other guy.
"I'm so fucking glad you're the nicest person I know, and my friend. I would NOT want to fuck with you man!"
So I'm good at it... But I don't like it?!
This is all so fucking stupid!

Sooooo pissed.
At me.
At the fuckin' loser who beats people up for... Get this....
You ready?
As he was beating the shit out of someone about half his age, he was screaming like a little girl "You owe me smokes, faggot! You owe me smokes, faggot!" No better reason to make a kid want to shoot up his school than... a handful of cigarettes.
I hate this fucking town.
I hate the inhabitants of this fucking town.
I want to light this whole fucking town on fire. At the borders. And fucking burn all the idiots inside.
I'm pissed off.
I really, really am.
Kill. Hate.
- PunkerSlut
hrmmm neva heard of it...shall check it out 

it sure is a kick in the nuts buddy.