I'm fucking back.
I've been well. Really well.
Runnin' from cops, having cops pull tazers on me, having cops pull guns on me, evading said cops entirely, almost getting stabbed by thugs (the "Fo' life" variety, not the real, yet dengerously rad, ones), being way too fucking single for my own good, starting a fucking killer band, making new friends, going to shows, having parties, going to parties, drinking like a badfish, rescuing people from death, playing music, writing music, working my ass off, planning out tattoos for myself, drawing up tattoos for friends, skankin' like a mad man, almost killing people, trying out this pacifist thing, eating healthy, rocking out way too fucking hard. making dreams come true for me and those around me...
Every fucking moment. As per usual.

I dunno. Just a bunch of pics I have lyring around. Yours to see now. Stuff I've been up to lately. Don't assume I'm "with" any of these girls. When you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME. Oh snap. Yeah, my friends say that little phrase a lot. Especially when its completely redundant. Catchy shit.
Can you guess which picture is my super-stereotypical myspace picture? Even though I fucking hate myspace and will never have an account for that garbage. That's why it's comedy!
With every rule, there is an exception: my band will have a myspace once we record some shit.
Anywhore, I fucking missed you SG, and I ESPECIALLY fucking missed all the lover-ly peoples on SG! I missed you guys so much! Fucking do me! Now! Pweeeeeze! Hahaha!
But I'm back. And I'm here to stay. All thanks to the fucking super-hot, extra-lovely, mega-fun-bonus-deluxe NextTuesday!!!!! If you enjoy me, go tell her you said thanks for bringing me back! She's a babe too, so even if you don't wanna talk to her, go look at her piccy's! She gets naked in them!

I'm in a really good fucking mood right now. I am cranking up this fucking dub music, NextTuesday hooked me back up on SG, I'm going to a show and a few parties tonight. I spent all last night in a haze. 11 beers, 3 shots, and a litre of cooler... in 9 (nine) minutes. I ended up puking through my nose, laughing the whole time. Woke up drunk.
I got plans to come down to Cali within the next few months. My reason is to get a dream-tattoo I've been planning for the last 5 years by Opie Ortiz at American Beauty Tattoo in Huntington Beach. He inked one of my few idols, Bradley Nowell, may he rest in peace.
I'm going to do what I can to come to Cali near the same time as SG Prom. I've never been, and I know VERY little of it, but I'm gonna see what I can do to get in.
Sounds like fun, whatever it is.
Anyhow, I gotta go shower, get dressed, shave, and all that shit. It's a night on the town. I got a five day weekend and it starts now.
It's been too fucking long since I've been gone. I'm really fucking happy to be back. I fucking internet-love each and every internet-you.
What have I missed in the past 2 months?
I heard about Lith. That shit's fucking lame. Gimme an update!
Keep in touch.
Take care!

Christoph "PunkerSlut" Leon
Live. Love.
I've been well. Really well.
Runnin' from cops, having cops pull tazers on me, having cops pull guns on me, evading said cops entirely, almost getting stabbed by thugs (the "Fo' life" variety, not the real, yet dengerously rad, ones), being way too fucking single for my own good, starting a fucking killer band, making new friends, going to shows, having parties, going to parties, drinking like a badfish, rescuing people from death, playing music, writing music, working my ass off, planning out tattoos for myself, drawing up tattoos for friends, skankin' like a mad man, almost killing people, trying out this pacifist thing, eating healthy, rocking out way too fucking hard. making dreams come true for me and those around me...
Every fucking moment. As per usual.

I dunno. Just a bunch of pics I have lyring around. Yours to see now. Stuff I've been up to lately. Don't assume I'm "with" any of these girls. When you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME. Oh snap. Yeah, my friends say that little phrase a lot. Especially when its completely redundant. Catchy shit.
Can you guess which picture is my super-stereotypical myspace picture? Even though I fucking hate myspace and will never have an account for that garbage. That's why it's comedy!

Anywhore, I fucking missed you SG, and I ESPECIALLY fucking missed all the lover-ly peoples on SG! I missed you guys so much! Fucking do me! Now! Pweeeeeze! Hahaha!
But I'm back. And I'm here to stay. All thanks to the fucking super-hot, extra-lovely, mega-fun-bonus-deluxe NextTuesday!!!!! If you enjoy me, go tell her you said thanks for bringing me back! She's a babe too, so even if you don't wanna talk to her, go look at her piccy's! She gets naked in them!

I'm in a really good fucking mood right now. I am cranking up this fucking dub music, NextTuesday hooked me back up on SG, I'm going to a show and a few parties tonight. I spent all last night in a haze. 11 beers, 3 shots, and a litre of cooler... in 9 (nine) minutes. I ended up puking through my nose, laughing the whole time. Woke up drunk.
I got plans to come down to Cali within the next few months. My reason is to get a dream-tattoo I've been planning for the last 5 years by Opie Ortiz at American Beauty Tattoo in Huntington Beach. He inked one of my few idols, Bradley Nowell, may he rest in peace.

I'm going to do what I can to come to Cali near the same time as SG Prom. I've never been, and I know VERY little of it, but I'm gonna see what I can do to get in.

Anyhow, I gotta go shower, get dressed, shave, and all that shit. It's a night on the town. I got a five day weekend and it starts now.
It's been too fucking long since I've been gone. I'm really fucking happy to be back. I fucking internet-love each and every internet-you.
What have I missed in the past 2 months?
I heard about Lith. That shit's fucking lame. Gimme an update!

Keep in touch.
Take care!

Christoph "PunkerSlut" Leon
Live. Love.
Mmmm... Ima lick you!

unfortunately for you im only taking sober applicants. not even potheads may apply. i find their cum tastes funny!! we can totally be frinds though. im always looking for a good email sex talk. fun fun fun!!