FUNFACT: I've been clinically dead more times than I can remember. As a kid, I've drowned, been electrocuted, been poisoned, suffocated, crushed, impailed. None of this by anyones hand other than my own. I was a very curious kid. If I wanted to know what a little shock would feel like, I'm going to jam those car-keys in that hole, whether you tell me it'll hurt a lot or not. I was very determined. I've been brought back to life too many fucking times. I'm normal now. Haha! I'm not like "I'll do it whether you tell me it's bad or not, I just need to know" anymore. Unlike a lot of people I know. Druggies, coincidentally. As of Saturday, a handful of people I know will become heroin addicts for the rest of their lives. Because "they just gotta know first hand what it's like". I'm gonna miss you guys.
Well, all's fine. I suppose. I just finished an entire day of fucking up. Within the past 24 hours, I've fucked up way more hardcore than I ever have in my life. I have been up for 66 hours as I write this, so forgive the lack of sense.
I'm fucked up.
My new band slays. We're all so dedicated and similar. It's rad.
I got new leather. It was a bargain from a friend. He's rad. A possible bandmate in the future.
I think I'm starting to hallucinate. From sleep deprivation, mind you. I don't fuck with chemicals.
I'm so bundled up right now. Big poofy comfy sweater, baggy Dickies, and a blanky. Taking it fucking like I fucking deserve. Tomorrow, I vow to sit around and do buttfuck nothing all day. Vows. Heh. Those have been real fucking useful lately.
I'm such a fuck up. Knowing me, I'll get all my stupid fucking energy back tomorrow, and be all go-go-go.
I'm so fucking tired.
I fuckin' miss her. I'm not going to lie. I fuckin' do. When you give that much to a girl, and then she's pretty much dead to you... Whatever the fuck. I don't care. Just goes to show her true colours all along. And because of that: I'm better off without her. Why dwell on something that hates you?
Fuck it. Life's too short.
Words I gotta lay the fuck off of.
I'm fucking rambling aren't I? Hmmmmm...
Other than my harsh fuck-up as of late... It's been a pretty good little while. I'm going to post some shit that makes me happy, as a reminder. And if you're a loser, pretend you're in these pictures too. Just squeeze yourself in here somewhere. You're all friends of mine.
I need to be happy.

I'm alright. Just a little down right now. That's all. I just need to stop acting without fucking thinking all the fucking time.
Try this new shit out...
[EDITED TO ADD: Custom made burger. Five patties. Ten cheeses. Twenty bacons. Thing kicked my fucking ass. It was like eating a ball of cardboard all held together by grease. With stringy bits.
Live. Love. You fuckin' kids. I love you.
I'll haunt ya!

Live. Love. PunkerSlut.
Well, all's fine. I suppose. I just finished an entire day of fucking up. Within the past 24 hours, I've fucked up way more hardcore than I ever have in my life. I have been up for 66 hours as I write this, so forgive the lack of sense.
I'm fucked up.
My new band slays. We're all so dedicated and similar. It's rad.
I got new leather. It was a bargain from a friend. He's rad. A possible bandmate in the future.
I think I'm starting to hallucinate. From sleep deprivation, mind you. I don't fuck with chemicals.
I'm so bundled up right now. Big poofy comfy sweater, baggy Dickies, and a blanky. Taking it fucking like I fucking deserve. Tomorrow, I vow to sit around and do buttfuck nothing all day. Vows. Heh. Those have been real fucking useful lately.

I'm so fucking tired.
I fuckin' miss her. I'm not going to lie. I fuckin' do. When you give that much to a girl, and then she's pretty much dead to you... Whatever the fuck. I don't care. Just goes to show her true colours all along. And because of that: I'm better off without her. Why dwell on something that hates you?
Fuck it. Life's too short.
Words I gotta lay the fuck off of.
I'm fucking rambling aren't I? Hmmmmm...
Other than my harsh fuck-up as of late... It's been a pretty good little while. I'm going to post some shit that makes me happy, as a reminder. And if you're a loser, pretend you're in these pictures too. Just squeeze yourself in here somewhere. You're all friends of mine.
I need to be happy.

I'm alright. Just a little down right now. That's all. I just need to stop acting without fucking thinking all the fucking time.
Try this new shit out...
[EDITED TO ADD: Custom made burger. Five patties. Ten cheeses. Twenty bacons. Thing kicked my fucking ass. It was like eating a ball of cardboard all held together by grease. With stringy bits.

Live. Love. You fuckin' kids. I love you.
I'll haunt ya!

Live. Love. PunkerSlut.

FreakPirate does Vancouver

Sorry about your friends, yo. A lot of my friends have gotten into heroin recently, and more than a few are addicted. It sucks hard. Cool pictures, you guys are very colorful. Cute rat, too. I have 5 girls myself. Hope you are doing well.