The new fucking Deftones fucking slays. Every song reminds me of someone I've met within the last two weeks.
I'm part of a new group of friends and it feels awesome. I got more in common with one person right now than I ever have in my life. It's something special.
I think I'm gonna slap a few pictures here and there, I might not. I might just put them in a folder. I don't know.
I got fired. Which is bullshit. I was a slacker, yeah. But then they warned me. And I snapped into place and became the hardest worker there. I was working at 330%. I wasn't necessarily just working harder, but smarter as well and did exceptionally well. Then out of fucking nowhere, I get another warning for talking. I tell them it's bullshit because I have killer tonsilitis and it hurts to breathe. "Well, that's your opinion." What?! Hahahaha! Bullshit! They say "Well, we don't mind if you talk as long as your numbers are up." My numbers were fucking sailing, sales were at a record high, I was number... fucking... one in Canada for sales (ratio, mind you. One mens pricer's numbers against men's sales, and at other stores it goes two ways, whatever the fuck - I was number one.) Then on Friday, they fuckin' call me into the office.
"Christoph, we have reports that one team members exposed themselves last night during cleanup, to another team member. Would you like to tell us what you know about this?"
"What?! Like nudity-exposed?!"
"Possibly... You tell us."
"Well I sure as hell didn't expose myself, and I didn't see any exposure. So..."
"And that's the story you're sticking with?"
"Alright, that'll be all..."
And I go back to work. On my way out, manager one to manager two goes "That's not gonna work."
Twenty minutes later, and not one word spoken. I get called into the office again.
"Nevermind about that other thing Christoph, we settled that. But now we'd like to talk to you about your disruptiveness in the production room. You talk too much. We warned you once. We warned you again. And still your voice and vulgarity are beyond anyone's here. We can't have it, and since you're on probation, we're going to terminate your employment here. Please give me all your gear. And we'll walk you to your locker."
I didn't say a single word. But the look on my face and the way I was standing, I suppose, made them say "Please don't make us call the cops". Good to know I got the fear in them. They didn't think the nicest, friendliest guy in the store could also be this pissed off. The fuckin' screwed me. I talked the fucking LEAST in the whole fucking store because of my tonsils-touching-eachother. I didn't fucking talk. And when I did it was fucking work related. And the whole able-to-talk-as-long-as-you're-productive-thing? My numbers for a single person were number fucking one out of 220 stores in this country! Sales were fuckin' top fuckin' notch! I was breaking fucking records. Still, they canned me. They fucking canned me. Vulgarity?! What the FUCK?! The only thing I spoke about was work and every now and then a chuckle or two at another persons jokes, usually vulgar. Usually pretty fucking vulgar. As a matter of fact, as much as I liked some of the girls there, the majority of them were THE most vulgar people I've met. I was the only male on the "team". I am young and stupid, and the people I work with, all being females, obviously poked fun and teased me. But if I want... "Sexual Harassment" instead of fun. "Discrimination" instead of teasing. But did I? No. Because I thought we fuckin' enjoyed eachother. But fucking someone somewhere sold me the fuck out. They knew whatever reason they told me was bullshit. They weren't telling me the truth. I've been canned a number of times for several reasons and I know for a fact that when they "let you go" they make you sign papers saying you know why. I didn't get this luxury. Isn't that illegal? I'm looking into taking legal action.
I'm really good friends with some of the girls I worked with. They're telling me of rumours flying around.
Rumour one: Christoph got fired because he was still on probation and it was now or never. He was working way harder and more productive than the boss's sister who was on his level, and the boss' mother-in-law, also at his level. He talked at first, but smartened up after a warning and was a model worker. So they took the only half-assed excused they could have found and ran with it. He was one of the few people that didn't suck dick and brown nose and hang out with management after work and listen to country music and all bow-the-fuck-down to management, begging for "the quirks" of being friends with them. Of which there were many.
Rumour two: Christoph slept with too many employees. They knew Christoph was friends with many of the younger more attractive girls in the store, and they didn't like this. It has been heard that he had sex with several female employees in the womens washroom in the employees-lounge. This is unacceptable behavior and ends in termination.
I never fucking gave them any reason to think that. Did I? That's none of their fucking business. If I did it wouldn't have been on store-grounds. I needed that job and I did nothing to fuck it up. I was close friends with several of them, yeah, but it's fucking lame to assume shit like that. We flirted a little at work. So fucking what? I'm allowed to do that as much as I fucking want. It wasn't crude and it wasn't obnoxious. I didn't give them ANY REASON to think that I'm sleeping with employees there. If they somehow found out that I did, say, two at the same time, several times over... and then another two at the same time two days later, several times over (hahaha, yeah... so what?

One of my new best friends is one of the raddest people I've ever come to meet... And said friend's father is hooking me up, or friend is going to hook me up, because they're both rather immersed in the film industry. I'm so excited for this.

Plans for moving out are fuckin' skewed due to breaking up with you-know-who and lack of job at this moment.
Well... I guess I better vent...
Now that that's out there... And done with, I can move on.
I guess after all that garbage, I owe you some eyecandy. Not much of that around here lately. Usually when the fun shit happens I'm too busy immersing myself in it to take pictures or videos.
That video that's out there where I fucked up a gangster, is being put onto a DVD. I want the video now so I can share it with you guys. I'm greedy like that. It was a good fight. Punk versus gangster. Punk wins. Those are my favourite fights.
I'm in "Alternative Lifestyle Erotica". Illegally. That's all I'm going to say about that.
I started a band. So far we're like "F-Minus" meets "Horrorpops" meets our own little style. Tomorrow we jam with a new girl on guitar. It's fucking fun! Once I get some recorded, I'll play it for you on here! Don't expect a good recording, this is punk rock. Tape recorder quality at BEST, I assure you. Haha!
In the past three days we've written about 5 or 6 songs, and clash so fucking well. I just met our guitarist on day two of jamming, and I just met the drummer a few weeks ago when he took part in saving me from said overdose. He's a gnarly motherfucker. And tomorrow we have a new guitarist trying out with us. She's rad.
Oooooooh shit! So excited!
More couples I know are breaking up as the days go on. I'm gonna miss them as a package. All of 'em.
I'm losing it. I've been in and out of my house like 6 times since I've started writing this, so I better just end it all, and get on with lame pictures. They're nothing special, but they sure as fuck ain't more text!
Bonnie Bones
Party (Bonnie Bones and Robin and Josephiend to the far left)
Bonnie Bones
Kara and Meagan
Robin and Bonnie Bones
Kara and Kara
Madame Sindi
Madame Sindi
Ninja Kara
Sadie (Refer to previous entry)
Secondrate Rejects (Here ya go, Willie!)
Dolly Kara
Kitty Alley and Kitty Kara
Josephiend and Kara
I showed you a few of the shiny girls I know. Fuck off now. You can't say it wasn't worth the read.
Pretend you're with us in some of those photographs, even! Hangin' out, drinkin', jammin', sexin', gettin' totally rad...
You're more than welcome to.
Thanks for the ear, SG-Folk! Always a pleasure! Take care!
Live. Love. PunkerSlut.
i was lookin at you sgburlesque pics...YOUR HAIR IS STILL SOO BADASSS..
you shoul dbe like an action hero/figure or something....your poses and the hair are magical!