FUNFACT: Hard times.
I get evicted, fired, and "mutually" dumped.
I went to Rancid (both days), thinkin' things will cheer me up, I leave with two broken ribs and a near-overdose.
Day one was without flaw. Just a broken rib from all the rowdy people in the crowd. Whatever. I break a rib every now and then. Nothing too serious. Only thing I've ever ligitimately broken. Good times.
Day two was fun at first, but hell at the end. I don't fuck with drugs. I just don't. I'm by no means "Straight Edge" or anything. It's just my personal choice to not fuck with chemicals in my head. They work fine, so why fuck 'em up, right? I'm all for drugs (responsibly) and experimentation and shit. Everyone goes through that phase. Lots of my best friends are complete burnouts. I light the joints, roll the joints, light the bong, pass the bong. They respect my choices. I don't got anything against drugs. They're just not my thing. But...
I broke the same level rib on the other side. But of pain there. More of a fracture really. It sunk it. It's cool, I can cope. It's fuckin' Rancid and Tim and Lars keep pointing at me and smiling for rocking so hard. I get dehydrated, as most people in the pit and/or front row get. Bottles of water are everywhere. I drink one. Share. Fine. Wait a couple songs. Drink one. Share. Fine. Drink another... And... A couple seconds later, my vision starts to blur. I realize my screamin' to the band has become a desperate moan. I salivate like I'm about to vomit. I hope I vomit. Please vomit. If you vomit the shit that's making you feel bad will be gone. No vomit. My legs stop working. Then my brain isn't working.
The rest is eyewitness account, for I have no personal recollection:
Security saw me losin' it. Pulled me out, lost both my shoes. Apparently I REALLY wanted those shoes, because I was really persistent on having them. But they threw me to the side. Brayden, this really rad kid who I met just days before for the first time (through a friend), and coincidentally saw at Rancid noticed I was fucked up. He knows I don't fuck with drugs, he's heard from all the friends we share, so he knows something is wrong. I wasn't acting drunk, so he took action. (All I remember at this point in time, is that lights, no matter how bright or distant in reality, seemed very far and very dim and unreachable.) Buddy who's half my fuckin' size slings me over his shoulder and proceeds to walk me to the back of the venue. Apparently I'm persistent on walking to the soundboard. I drag Brayden to said soundboard, during Rancid's set, and fall on top of it. I got really frustrated and started screaming, because the soundboard was in my way. Brayden scoops me up again, and plops me on the ground at the rear wall where it's safe. I'm missing my shirt, shoes and sunglasses.
I come to. I'm sideways. What the fuck just happened? Better ask someone... "Wh... thhhhhh... fuhhhhhhuuhhhhhh..."
I'm on some chick's lap. She's singing "Radio" to me, as the band plays it too. She's strokin' my shoulder and singing to me. Could be the after effects of what I later learned to be GHB in my drink, or it could be her rad embrace and lovely song comforted me... But I felt good. She has a Misfits-Martini-Glass tattoo on her arm. I've heard about this chick. She notices that I'm moving now.
"Hi! My name is Paige Monroe! You're awake eh? Your name is Christoph, right? Well it's good to see you. You're a little fucked up eh? I saw you at a party a couple weeks ago. I touched you and you didn't notice. It's cool though. I know all your friends! Ashley knows you, Jonny Abandoned knows you. You dated that Jax chick for years, right? That's cool. You're pretty awesome. How you feelin'? We were gonna call an ambulance if you stopped moving, but you were pretty figity! You alright?"
"Gwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... Christoph's not here right now. Please standby for sober."
"Haha! You're funny."
And I lost 25-45 minutes of that concert to a near overdose of GHB that someone randomly put in a bottle and threw around, and talking to this sweet chick who pretty much saved me. My brother appears outta fuckin' nowhere with that Brayden kid with my shoes, both of them. And my shirt! And my sunglasses! Yaaay! Then we drank beer and public transited it all the way home. It was alright. Coulda done without the drugging. Or having to knockout one kid for cheap-shot fuckin' sucker-punching every single crowd surfer, even girls. That kid sucked. Fuckin' "thugs". Especially the ones that are of the "fo' life" variety. Why was he even at Rancid?! Haha!
Got about 8 numbers and e-mail addresses. It was pretty sweet. Saw the lovely Ala there. Took me days to find out who the heck talked to me! She's nice! And pretty! Go talk to her!
I'm obsessed with the new Deftones. It comes out on Halloween and I can't fuckin' wait for it.
New Eagles of Death Metal DVD! Comes into Canada in a few days! I should pick it up!
I got fired for NO fucking reason. They pulled me into the office for three reasons that day.
Reason One: "Christoph... Have a seat... We've been informed that one team member exposed themselves yesterday, at the end of the day, when we were cleaning things up, to another team member... Would you like to tell us what you know about this?"
"What the fuck?! Nothing! I didn't expose myself to anybody, nor did I see anyone expose themselves! I swear! Check the cameras! You got a billion cameras. Tell me what you see. I didn't nor did I see anything. So you're asking the wrong person."
As I'm leaving, one manager to another:
"Hmmmm... This isn't going to work."
Reason Two: "Christoph, have a seat. Sorry to bring you in here again. But we've recieved about eight or nine complaints about the amount of talking you're doing. We've told you before that you can talk, but not to the extent that your productivity suffers-"
"What are you talking about? Three weeks ago you've told me to shut up. I did. I talk the least back there. Nine complaints?! I work with and see only six people at any one time. And you pulled me into your office three days ago to tell me that my productivity is doing well above average, so who cares if I talk, which I don't...?"
"Well... I don't know what to tell you. This is your final warning though. Next step is termination."
Reason Three: (Twenty-two minutes later, one sentence spoken, and 3 days work done by the time I'm halfway through my shift) "Well, we warned you and warned you. And still you've been distracting the whole team and your numbers haven't been up. I'm sorry but we're gonna have to terminate your employment."
I'm not even gonna say what I said next. Let's just say I scared the fucking shit out of them. They were afraid of me. "Nice guy can turn into a monster if we fuck him over?! What?! Oh no!" They really didn't expect it. But yeah... I'm fired. I need a fuckin' job now.
I'm supposed to move the fuck out in a few weeks too. Looks like that shit ain't gonna be easy.
This is a fuckin' low point for me. I'm completely single again. There's people I'm seeing here and there, but nothing compared to what I had. It's a hard thing to talk about. It was mutual and whatever. I wish her the best. Still love her. Always will. Just not meant for eachother right now. Chances are she's gonna read this. (Hi!) So I'm not gonna say anything that'll hurt anyones feelings or anything. No details. Nothing. So I'm done with this fuckin' paragraph.
Last night was a bedlam. Went all around town. Saw about 100 people I'm casual acquaintances with and maybe only a handful of actual friends. I guess I stand out and I'm a little bit of a big deal in this shitty town to certain groups and cliques, but the amount of people that know who I am, is just fucking insane. I don't mean to sound narcissistic, but the only way I can describe it is "celebrity-esque". I go out. People know me. I've never seen these people before in my life. They're all really nice though. Sometimes a tad intrusive, but hey, some people are lonelier than others and whatever. It's cool. I don't hate it. It's just really embarassing not knowing who you're talking to as they recite all of your last month's adventures that they heard about. It's alright I guess. Better to get along with everyone and be really well known, as opposed to not being a nice person and knowing nobody.
I fought a Juggalo last night. Total coincidence: My cousin that's living with me for a while was a HARDCORE Juggalo up until a few weeks ago, when he came back here and got back into the punk scene a little. All of his closed-minded Juggalo friends fuckin' ripped on him non-stop for liking this other type of music. It was sick. So now he's getting back to his roots here with me and my crew(s). But last night at one of the three parties I attended, there was one guy who was really nice, but REALLY fuckin' rude and rowdy. He got along with me. I know a fuckin' lot about ICP seeing as I'm related to a few Juggalos here and there (I listened to some of ICP's shit for a week or two as well, it was funny and had a good message and was pretty crude at times, and was entertaining, but it wasn't for me after a while and I kinda don't even listen to it anymore). So we talked about this and that about everything "Psychopathic". A few beers later the guy puts away the pet lizard he brought to the party (named "Spike") and starts fuckin' revving everyone up. Smacking beers out of peoples' hands, then explaining that it's nothing personal, and he actually does like you, but he really needs to fight right now, because he's drunk, so sorry for wasting you beer, but he's trying to piss you off. He didn't do anything to me. But I was the biggest guy there and I didn't wanna see any of my other friends get hurt, so I volunteered. Got shirtless. Felt like I was gonna puke (bad sandwich, not booze... I wasn't drinking). But went through with it anyways. It's on video. I'll upload it or whatever the fuck when I get my copy of the vid and I'll put it on this here jjournal. He said right off the bat, "No face shots, kay? I don't wanna get destroyed. And II still like you. You're fuckin' rad." And we went at it. I fuckin' slayed him. Knockout by submission and striking. I choked the bitch while breaking his ribs. Haha! He was alright after you settle him out. He did the exact same thing with this kid named 'Bo after he lost to me. He forgot about his own rules in a drunken stupor and committed some face-shots. He got up. Apologized so much. Went in, chilled out. Party died down a little. Some chick broke her back on a glass table's steel frame and was hospitalized. Dumbass drunkenly jumped off a couch and ate it. Met some rad folk. Again, lots of "distant casual acquaintances".
Then I spent the night getting my drunk ass friend home and then I slept over at said friend's home. Met some parents, took the bus home waaaaay too early in the morning because of said friends' employment schedule, and here I sit. Dirty from a fight the night prior and totally sleepy.
I forgot to mention I got a new hero. Sadie. She's the tiniest grown-up girl I've ever met and she's so funny and cute and happy and pretty! A couple weeks ago, her and another buddy of mine, Ally got ran over by a fuckin' cell-phone-using-make-up-applying-driver while crossing on a crosswalk. Sadie is like 4'10" and 94 pounds. She shattered through the windshield head-first and fucking flew in the air and hit the ground from a 60-mph-sedan. Ally got thrown to the side and broke her humour-bone. She's a normal-sized girl though. Sadie fuckin' came to, got up, and was nothing but PISSED OFF that she scratched her fucking sweet-ass fucking biohazard goggles. Picked up all the glass that she shattered with her head, and turned it into a necklace. Lawsuit pending. My fucking hero: Sadie.
Custom Chuck Taylors and Osiris shoes. I'm in lose. Thank you Kristin! (A soon to be SG). She's a pornstar, so she'll be fine on this less-graphic site. Haha! She's gnarly.
Score me rare-awesome shoes!
It's usually lucky for me, those Friday the 13th's. But not yesterday. Oh no. That was half sucky, half awesome.
I'll catch you guys later, kay? Take it fuckin' easy for me.
Wuv you!

I get evicted, fired, and "mutually" dumped.
I went to Rancid (both days), thinkin' things will cheer me up, I leave with two broken ribs and a near-overdose.
Day one was without flaw. Just a broken rib from all the rowdy people in the crowd. Whatever. I break a rib every now and then. Nothing too serious. Only thing I've ever ligitimately broken. Good times.
Day two was fun at first, but hell at the end. I don't fuck with drugs. I just don't. I'm by no means "Straight Edge" or anything. It's just my personal choice to not fuck with chemicals in my head. They work fine, so why fuck 'em up, right? I'm all for drugs (responsibly) and experimentation and shit. Everyone goes through that phase. Lots of my best friends are complete burnouts. I light the joints, roll the joints, light the bong, pass the bong. They respect my choices. I don't got anything against drugs. They're just not my thing. But...
I broke the same level rib on the other side. But of pain there. More of a fracture really. It sunk it. It's cool, I can cope. It's fuckin' Rancid and Tim and Lars keep pointing at me and smiling for rocking so hard. I get dehydrated, as most people in the pit and/or front row get. Bottles of water are everywhere. I drink one. Share. Fine. Wait a couple songs. Drink one. Share. Fine. Drink another... And... A couple seconds later, my vision starts to blur. I realize my screamin' to the band has become a desperate moan. I salivate like I'm about to vomit. I hope I vomit. Please vomit. If you vomit the shit that's making you feel bad will be gone. No vomit. My legs stop working. Then my brain isn't working.
The rest is eyewitness account, for I have no personal recollection:
Security saw me losin' it. Pulled me out, lost both my shoes. Apparently I REALLY wanted those shoes, because I was really persistent on having them. But they threw me to the side. Brayden, this really rad kid who I met just days before for the first time (through a friend), and coincidentally saw at Rancid noticed I was fucked up. He knows I don't fuck with drugs, he's heard from all the friends we share, so he knows something is wrong. I wasn't acting drunk, so he took action. (All I remember at this point in time, is that lights, no matter how bright or distant in reality, seemed very far and very dim and unreachable.) Buddy who's half my fuckin' size slings me over his shoulder and proceeds to walk me to the back of the venue. Apparently I'm persistent on walking to the soundboard. I drag Brayden to said soundboard, during Rancid's set, and fall on top of it. I got really frustrated and started screaming, because the soundboard was in my way. Brayden scoops me up again, and plops me on the ground at the rear wall where it's safe. I'm missing my shirt, shoes and sunglasses.
I come to. I'm sideways. What the fuck just happened? Better ask someone... "Wh... thhhhhh... fuhhhhhhuuhhhhhh..."
I'm on some chick's lap. She's singing "Radio" to me, as the band plays it too. She's strokin' my shoulder and singing to me. Could be the after effects of what I later learned to be GHB in my drink, or it could be her rad embrace and lovely song comforted me... But I felt good. She has a Misfits-Martini-Glass tattoo on her arm. I've heard about this chick. She notices that I'm moving now.
"Hi! My name is Paige Monroe! You're awake eh? Your name is Christoph, right? Well it's good to see you. You're a little fucked up eh? I saw you at a party a couple weeks ago. I touched you and you didn't notice. It's cool though. I know all your friends! Ashley knows you, Jonny Abandoned knows you. You dated that Jax chick for years, right? That's cool. You're pretty awesome. How you feelin'? We were gonna call an ambulance if you stopped moving, but you were pretty figity! You alright?"
"Gwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... Christoph's not here right now. Please standby for sober."
"Haha! You're funny."
And I lost 25-45 minutes of that concert to a near overdose of GHB that someone randomly put in a bottle and threw around, and talking to this sweet chick who pretty much saved me. My brother appears outta fuckin' nowhere with that Brayden kid with my shoes, both of them. And my shirt! And my sunglasses! Yaaay! Then we drank beer and public transited it all the way home. It was alright. Coulda done without the drugging. Or having to knockout one kid for cheap-shot fuckin' sucker-punching every single crowd surfer, even girls. That kid sucked. Fuckin' "thugs". Especially the ones that are of the "fo' life" variety. Why was he even at Rancid?! Haha!
Got about 8 numbers and e-mail addresses. It was pretty sweet. Saw the lovely Ala there. Took me days to find out who the heck talked to me! She's nice! And pretty! Go talk to her!

I'm obsessed with the new Deftones. It comes out on Halloween and I can't fuckin' wait for it.
New Eagles of Death Metal DVD! Comes into Canada in a few days! I should pick it up!
I got fired for NO fucking reason. They pulled me into the office for three reasons that day.
Reason One: "Christoph... Have a seat... We've been informed that one team member exposed themselves yesterday, at the end of the day, when we were cleaning things up, to another team member... Would you like to tell us what you know about this?"
"What the fuck?! Nothing! I didn't expose myself to anybody, nor did I see anyone expose themselves! I swear! Check the cameras! You got a billion cameras. Tell me what you see. I didn't nor did I see anything. So you're asking the wrong person."
As I'm leaving, one manager to another:
"Hmmmm... This isn't going to work."
Reason Two: "Christoph, have a seat. Sorry to bring you in here again. But we've recieved about eight or nine complaints about the amount of talking you're doing. We've told you before that you can talk, but not to the extent that your productivity suffers-"
"What are you talking about? Three weeks ago you've told me to shut up. I did. I talk the least back there. Nine complaints?! I work with and see only six people at any one time. And you pulled me into your office three days ago to tell me that my productivity is doing well above average, so who cares if I talk, which I don't...?"
"Well... I don't know what to tell you. This is your final warning though. Next step is termination."
Reason Three: (Twenty-two minutes later, one sentence spoken, and 3 days work done by the time I'm halfway through my shift) "Well, we warned you and warned you. And still you've been distracting the whole team and your numbers haven't been up. I'm sorry but we're gonna have to terminate your employment."
I'm not even gonna say what I said next. Let's just say I scared the fucking shit out of them. They were afraid of me. "Nice guy can turn into a monster if we fuck him over?! What?! Oh no!" They really didn't expect it. But yeah... I'm fired. I need a fuckin' job now.
I'm supposed to move the fuck out in a few weeks too. Looks like that shit ain't gonna be easy.
This is a fuckin' low point for me. I'm completely single again. There's people I'm seeing here and there, but nothing compared to what I had. It's a hard thing to talk about. It was mutual and whatever. I wish her the best. Still love her. Always will. Just not meant for eachother right now. Chances are she's gonna read this. (Hi!) So I'm not gonna say anything that'll hurt anyones feelings or anything. No details. Nothing. So I'm done with this fuckin' paragraph.
Last night was a bedlam. Went all around town. Saw about 100 people I'm casual acquaintances with and maybe only a handful of actual friends. I guess I stand out and I'm a little bit of a big deal in this shitty town to certain groups and cliques, but the amount of people that know who I am, is just fucking insane. I don't mean to sound narcissistic, but the only way I can describe it is "celebrity-esque". I go out. People know me. I've never seen these people before in my life. They're all really nice though. Sometimes a tad intrusive, but hey, some people are lonelier than others and whatever. It's cool. I don't hate it. It's just really embarassing not knowing who you're talking to as they recite all of your last month's adventures that they heard about. It's alright I guess. Better to get along with everyone and be really well known, as opposed to not being a nice person and knowing nobody.
I fought a Juggalo last night. Total coincidence: My cousin that's living with me for a while was a HARDCORE Juggalo up until a few weeks ago, when he came back here and got back into the punk scene a little. All of his closed-minded Juggalo friends fuckin' ripped on him non-stop for liking this other type of music. It was sick. So now he's getting back to his roots here with me and my crew(s). But last night at one of the three parties I attended, there was one guy who was really nice, but REALLY fuckin' rude and rowdy. He got along with me. I know a fuckin' lot about ICP seeing as I'm related to a few Juggalos here and there (I listened to some of ICP's shit for a week or two as well, it was funny and had a good message and was pretty crude at times, and was entertaining, but it wasn't for me after a while and I kinda don't even listen to it anymore). So we talked about this and that about everything "Psychopathic". A few beers later the guy puts away the pet lizard he brought to the party (named "Spike") and starts fuckin' revving everyone up. Smacking beers out of peoples' hands, then explaining that it's nothing personal, and he actually does like you, but he really needs to fight right now, because he's drunk, so sorry for wasting you beer, but he's trying to piss you off. He didn't do anything to me. But I was the biggest guy there and I didn't wanna see any of my other friends get hurt, so I volunteered. Got shirtless. Felt like I was gonna puke (bad sandwich, not booze... I wasn't drinking). But went through with it anyways. It's on video. I'll upload it or whatever the fuck when I get my copy of the vid and I'll put it on this here jjournal. He said right off the bat, "No face shots, kay? I don't wanna get destroyed. And II still like you. You're fuckin' rad." And we went at it. I fuckin' slayed him. Knockout by submission and striking. I choked the bitch while breaking his ribs. Haha! He was alright after you settle him out. He did the exact same thing with this kid named 'Bo after he lost to me. He forgot about his own rules in a drunken stupor and committed some face-shots. He got up. Apologized so much. Went in, chilled out. Party died down a little. Some chick broke her back on a glass table's steel frame and was hospitalized. Dumbass drunkenly jumped off a couch and ate it. Met some rad folk. Again, lots of "distant casual acquaintances".
Then I spent the night getting my drunk ass friend home and then I slept over at said friend's home. Met some parents, took the bus home waaaaay too early in the morning because of said friends' employment schedule, and here I sit. Dirty from a fight the night prior and totally sleepy.
I forgot to mention I got a new hero. Sadie. She's the tiniest grown-up girl I've ever met and she's so funny and cute and happy and pretty! A couple weeks ago, her and another buddy of mine, Ally got ran over by a fuckin' cell-phone-using-make-up-applying-driver while crossing on a crosswalk. Sadie is like 4'10" and 94 pounds. She shattered through the windshield head-first and fucking flew in the air and hit the ground from a 60-mph-sedan. Ally got thrown to the side and broke her humour-bone. She's a normal-sized girl though. Sadie fuckin' came to, got up, and was nothing but PISSED OFF that she scratched her fucking sweet-ass fucking biohazard goggles. Picked up all the glass that she shattered with her head, and turned it into a necklace. Lawsuit pending. My fucking hero: Sadie.

Custom Chuck Taylors and Osiris shoes. I'm in lose. Thank you Kristin! (A soon to be SG). She's a pornstar, so she'll be fine on this less-graphic site. Haha! She's gnarly.

It's usually lucky for me, those Friday the 13th's. But not yesterday. Oh no. That was half sucky, half awesome.
I'll catch you guys later, kay? Take it fuckin' easy for me.
Wuv you!

think of the panel that you play on BUT potible meaning you can carry it around everywhere and it is JUST like the panel at teh arcade BUT you can hook it up to any system you want.
that my friend, is superior gaming,