FUNFACT: I'm so full of love right now. Imagine a cup. Now fill that cup with warm, iridescent pink stuff. Depending on your angles, it also reflects some orange and green and yellow and red and purple. It glows, even in the sunlight. It outglows the sun. Now keep filling it. It's okay to overflow it, it's a good thing to spread around. Keep filling it. Keep on filling it. Don't stop pouring it. Keep pouring. You covered the table. Not bad, but not good enough. Keep filling it. Don't stop. Keep filling it until you spill it all over the floor. It hits your socks? So? It stains, but trust me, it's a stain you're gonna wanna keep. Keep filling it up. Keep pouring. I know it'll take a while, but I need you to fill the room. Drown in it. Once it's up to your face, and you have to look up and be on your tippy-toes to stop it from smothering the holes you breathe out of, I want you take one last quick deep breath and hold out as long as you can. Remember this feeling. It's gone soon. Hole that breath as long as you can. Exhale. Inhale the liquid. Pure euphoria. It doesn't fade. That's my goal in life. The glass is my heart. The thing filling it is your actions. The person filling it is everyone I hold near and dear, and the new people I meet every day what has kindness and nice things and classic ties that relate to me in one way or another. The iridescent goo is whatever the fuck you hold near and dear. I'm so fucking overflowing with love that it's basically my number one goal to brighten everyone else's days and give them something to smile about as well. I have so much love for simply being, that I gotta spread it around. I'm not to be confused with hippies. For I bathe, and don't do drugs. Hahaha! I'm feelin' it so rad right now.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm drunk. I wasn't at the beginning of this post, but then I went out, saw The Black Dahlia Murder, then got drunk, and am now concluding said post. Don't see that movie. The trailers and poster are very misleading. They went for a ligitimate 40's=50's style movie, and instead came out with L.A. Confidential meets ass meets Hepatitis B. I couldn't tell if it was a thriller, or a comedy, or a wahteverthefuck. I was sober when I saw it, whatever that explains. Anyhow, save your tne bucks and buy something special. Like nail-clippers. Or lettuce or something. I'm drunk.
I've been hanging out with my shiny new friend Josephiend. I give it three fucking months before she's a member. She's so rad it should be illegal. Jaxxx is all up in this bitch too. Those chicks wanna fuck eachother like there's no tomorrow.
Speaking of... Too many fucking women want me. I'm not trying to brag here, in any way shape or form... I'm just saying. Only when I find myself back in love to my friend's stepmoms (which makes for awkward explanatory conversations), co-workers and friend lay the fucking mack-down on me. Fortunately, Jaxxx, like me, is into the womens. So many a stampings may ensue.
I'm fucking drunk.
Too many adventures.
Alcohol, NES, driving around, loud music (of the GOOD variety), spending of money, parties (where you know EVERYONE), and adventure in general, have been at an all-time high. All the while working a full-time job. Gives me the money to move out (soon, with good buddy-couple Jon and Re), freedom, and ability to spoil girl-I'm-seeing-Jaxxx...
So drunk.
Future activities include going-away party for Jess who is touring Australia for 9 months. Matadors concert. Horrifics concert. Rancid concert (with Lars Fredriksen & The Bastard, Operation Ivy reunion-thing), SuicideGirls Live Burlesque (which, if you're local, I expect all of you to say motherfucking-"Hi" to the large kid with small chick and a blonde mohawk with skulls-&-crossbones on the sides). That shit's gonna e insane. Going with Jaxxx, Josephiend, Edgar and myself. Rancid's playing two days here and I'm trying to score tickets to the second day, for I already have the first. Visit and business down to Seattle for adult-film-starring-entertainment and picking up of rare apparel with my good buddy Madame Sindi or Rain City Productions. We've been friends since we're like 12 or 13, and now she's a dominatrix and pornstar (all-girl). I fuckin' heart that chick. Such a helpful li'l sweetie. Go arrange a session with her. Tell her Christoph sent ya!

Jagr-bombs are my favourite drink. I did about 10 of 'em tonight. And I'm STILL feelin' the love.
My birthday party in November is gonna be fucking insaaaaaaane!
Details to come.
Something about Dead Kennedys and Leftover Crack and Subhumans on Tour, and my mom, brother and myself attending some shows? I wish I was sober. Would make for more of a clarifying post.
I'm pretty much in porn now.
Oh fuck dude. A REEEEEEALLY big thanks to fuckin' buddy Bloomews. Buddy, I owe you one so fucking hardcore, please, please, PLEASE let me know if there's anything I could ever do to you, for you, or with you. Motherfuckin' buddy bought me "Stories, Tales, Lies and Exaggerations" (title comes from song "Had A Dat" by Sublime). It's a rare-ass DVD about Sublime. Rare live footage. Interviews. And so on. Me, Jon, Re and Jax watched it, downed some Jagr, Jonny blazed, we had a good time. Now we're all winding down and wrappin' it up.
Time to get laid, folks.
Thanks Bloomews for being too fucking rad buddy, seriously... You don't know how much this means to me. Watched it all night. Gonna watch it about 20 more times over the weekend (during parts where I'm sober enough to load the fucking thing into my DVD player.

Pornstar buddy Madame Sindi gets a big fucking "Thank You" for ordering me custom Chuck Taylors and Osiris skate shoes (Meh, they fit my size 16 feet, not complaining). Custom sounds so cool. Makes me feel individualistic. Just like everybody else!
Sooooo drunk.

Lost energy drink is the shit.
Threesomes are even more of said shit.
Very fun.
Time for sleep.
(Lots of NES games are coming through my work, I get for 50% off! Score! Collect! Play! Fun! Rad!)
I like not being poor. I get to treat my friends with stimulation and alcohol abuse. I feel like "Moneybags McGee" who makes 8 bucks an hour. Hahahahahaahahahaa! I love me.

Take it easy, SG-Land. I love each and every fucking one of you. Don't you fucking forget it. If you forget it, I will come to your house, and I will cut you.
R.I.P. Steve Irwin. You taught me more about animals and compassion in one 30-minute episode than any single yeard or biology. Thank you. I'm totally going to the Aquarium to fucking stare down and shake-my-head-in-disgust-towards-some-guilty-by-association-sting-rays. Hahahahahahaha!
Thanks. Especially those I've mention specifically, but am too drunk to re-do so. Thanks everyone for even fucking reading this. Making me feel all warm and gooey inside. I love you.
New ink soon.

Live. Love.
- Stoph (Drunk)
In case you haven't noticed, I'm drunk. I wasn't at the beginning of this post, but then I went out, saw The Black Dahlia Murder, then got drunk, and am now concluding said post. Don't see that movie. The trailers and poster are very misleading. They went for a ligitimate 40's=50's style movie, and instead came out with L.A. Confidential meets ass meets Hepatitis B. I couldn't tell if it was a thriller, or a comedy, or a wahteverthefuck. I was sober when I saw it, whatever that explains. Anyhow, save your tne bucks and buy something special. Like nail-clippers. Or lettuce or something. I'm drunk.
I've been hanging out with my shiny new friend Josephiend. I give it three fucking months before she's a member. She's so rad it should be illegal. Jaxxx is all up in this bitch too. Those chicks wanna fuck eachother like there's no tomorrow.
Speaking of... Too many fucking women want me. I'm not trying to brag here, in any way shape or form... I'm just saying. Only when I find myself back in love to my friend's stepmoms (which makes for awkward explanatory conversations), co-workers and friend lay the fucking mack-down on me. Fortunately, Jaxxx, like me, is into the womens. So many a stampings may ensue.
I'm fucking drunk.
Too many adventures.
Alcohol, NES, driving around, loud music (of the GOOD variety), spending of money, parties (where you know EVERYONE), and adventure in general, have been at an all-time high. All the while working a full-time job. Gives me the money to move out (soon, with good buddy-couple Jon and Re), freedom, and ability to spoil girl-I'm-seeing-Jaxxx...
So drunk.
Future activities include going-away party for Jess who is touring Australia for 9 months. Matadors concert. Horrifics concert. Rancid concert (with Lars Fredriksen & The Bastard, Operation Ivy reunion-thing), SuicideGirls Live Burlesque (which, if you're local, I expect all of you to say motherfucking-"Hi" to the large kid with small chick and a blonde mohawk with skulls-&-crossbones on the sides). That shit's gonna e insane. Going with Jaxxx, Josephiend, Edgar and myself. Rancid's playing two days here and I'm trying to score tickets to the second day, for I already have the first. Visit and business down to Seattle for adult-film-starring-entertainment and picking up of rare apparel with my good buddy Madame Sindi or Rain City Productions. We've been friends since we're like 12 or 13, and now she's a dominatrix and pornstar (all-girl). I fuckin' heart that chick. Such a helpful li'l sweetie. Go arrange a session with her. Tell her Christoph sent ya!

Jagr-bombs are my favourite drink. I did about 10 of 'em tonight. And I'm STILL feelin' the love.
My birthday party in November is gonna be fucking insaaaaaaane!

Something about Dead Kennedys and Leftover Crack and Subhumans on Tour, and my mom, brother and myself attending some shows? I wish I was sober. Would make for more of a clarifying post.
I'm pretty much in porn now.
Oh fuck dude. A REEEEEEALLY big thanks to fuckin' buddy Bloomews. Buddy, I owe you one so fucking hardcore, please, please, PLEASE let me know if there's anything I could ever do to you, for you, or with you. Motherfuckin' buddy bought me "Stories, Tales, Lies and Exaggerations" (title comes from song "Had A Dat" by Sublime). It's a rare-ass DVD about Sublime. Rare live footage. Interviews. And so on. Me, Jon, Re and Jax watched it, downed some Jagr, Jonny blazed, we had a good time. Now we're all winding down and wrappin' it up.
Time to get laid, folks.
Thanks Bloomews for being too fucking rad buddy, seriously... You don't know how much this means to me. Watched it all night. Gonna watch it about 20 more times over the weekend (during parts where I'm sober enough to load the fucking thing into my DVD player.

Pornstar buddy Madame Sindi gets a big fucking "Thank You" for ordering me custom Chuck Taylors and Osiris skate shoes (Meh, they fit my size 16 feet, not complaining). Custom sounds so cool. Makes me feel individualistic. Just like everybody else!
Sooooo drunk.

Lost energy drink is the shit.
Threesomes are even more of said shit.
Very fun.
Time for sleep.
(Lots of NES games are coming through my work, I get for 50% off! Score! Collect! Play! Fun! Rad!)
I like not being poor. I get to treat my friends with stimulation and alcohol abuse. I feel like "Moneybags McGee" who makes 8 bucks an hour. Hahahahahaahahahaa! I love me.

Take it easy, SG-Land. I love each and every fucking one of you. Don't you fucking forget it. If you forget it, I will come to your house, and I will cut you.
R.I.P. Steve Irwin. You taught me more about animals and compassion in one 30-minute episode than any single yeard or biology. Thank you. I'm totally going to the Aquarium to fucking stare down and shake-my-head-in-disgust-towards-some-guilty-by-association-sting-rays. Hahahahahahaha!
Thanks. Especially those I've mention specifically, but am too drunk to re-do so. Thanks everyone for even fucking reading this. Making me feel all warm and gooey inside. I love you.
New ink soon.

Live. Love.
- Stoph (Drunk)

But seriously, dude. We all know what Girl Scout cookies are right? But Boy Scout popcorn? I'm sorry but that just seems... wrong.