FUNFACT: I've snorted an entire cake. Yes. An entire cake. A fourteen-inch-across, six-inch-deep, black forest cake with chocolate frosting instead of the white kind, purchased from Safeway. I was at a party filled with a bunch of people I don't like. Stuck-ups, snobs, rich-kids, rednecks, and emo kids. I only went because a friend of mine didn't want to go alone. It was fucking boring. All we listened to was Christina Aguilera and fucking Eminem. There was a cake sitting on the table that nobody was touching, because apparently cake is "bad for you". I said "Fuck you fucking boring fucking idiots." And they went, "Why do you wear wristbands? You think you're cool or something?! You're a freak!" And without breaking eyecontact, I stared these fucking idiots down, and proceded to snort the FUCK out that cake. It hurt for the first while, but then it sugar-coats its passage to your throat, so you don't feel it after that. The reactions I got: stares, name-calling, shock, and VERY few "Holy shit! That's totally rad!" I didn't stop. The whole thing was inside me. I ended up keeping it down too. That's what frightens me. I had a killer migraine for 3 weeks though. But now I don't know math. Totally worth it!
I'm in fucking heaven right now. I'm a little bit hungry, but I'm gonna be making out with a girl I like, and most likely performing sexual favours on her in a matter of hours. We're prolly gonna go grab some food. But she's at a movie right now, so I'm killin' time on SG. I turn on the radio, and the FUCKING PUNK SHOW comes on!
What's even more funny is my Mom knows EVERY single person in person, from one time or another, who they talk to and talk about on the radio. This is too funny.
There isn't a punk song I've hated yet. Well, anything that I've considered punk. Simple Plan and Good Charlotte = Jokes, not punk. Everything I find that is punk, I looooove.
Oh shit! Speaking of Simple Plan, AND the girl I'll be seeing shortly... I got a GNARLY story about them... I fucked served them up something hardcore... It also involves the girl I'm seeing tonight! (She'll be a member, if not, SG sometime in the near future, I promise!) It, like all of my posts, will be a long one, and this one is long enough!
My most recent public display of expression:
It's a shame that when you do something that really bleeds your heart out after a HUGE depression/rage-session, the person you get to take pictures (because you're too fucked up on spray paint) is REALLY shitty at taking pictures. I mean reeeeeeeeally shitty. Oh well...
This thing is 11 feet high, and the piece shown here was just a middlepiece that tied together the 110-foot-wide piece (which reads "I Hope Your Next Boyfriend Drives A Freakin' Truck!). The piece you see is just my initials "PS" (for PunkerSlut, nowhere near my real name) on either side of the crusade-skull. I went out that night, and blew like 10 cans of paint on the whole town. Every single thing I saw that wasn't personal property of some poor civilian suffered the wrath that is my skull and crossbones. It was very therapeutic. I am so fucking sick of this town, so every now and then I go around and fuck it up towards my liking.
Meh. Six years. She cheated. Lots. I'm surprised I went out spraypainting, because I really coulda ripped this city in half and burned it at all four ends. Fuck. I love everything so much.
Especially you guys.
Wow, my posts are long! Long and hard, the way you like it!
(Where the fuck did all my fucking picks go?! I can't practice the way I like practicing if I don't have fucking picks! AAAAAAH!
Again, I owe you all a hug if you've read to here. But I'm easy, so all you gotta do is press on the back of my head, and I'll go down on you. Hahaha! Such a slut. I love it! Take it fuckin' easy, homeslice!
I'm in fucking heaven right now. I'm a little bit hungry, but I'm gonna be making out with a girl I like, and most likely performing sexual favours on her in a matter of hours. We're prolly gonna go grab some food. But she's at a movie right now, so I'm killin' time on SG. I turn on the radio, and the FUCKING PUNK SHOW comes on!
What's even more funny is my Mom knows EVERY single person in person, from one time or another, who they talk to and talk about on the radio. This is too funny.
There isn't a punk song I've hated yet. Well, anything that I've considered punk. Simple Plan and Good Charlotte = Jokes, not punk. Everything I find that is punk, I looooove.
Oh shit! Speaking of Simple Plan, AND the girl I'll be seeing shortly... I got a GNARLY story about them... I fucked served them up something hardcore... It also involves the girl I'm seeing tonight! (She'll be a member, if not, SG sometime in the near future, I promise!) It, like all of my posts, will be a long one, and this one is long enough!
My most recent public display of expression:

It's a shame that when you do something that really bleeds your heart out after a HUGE depression/rage-session, the person you get to take pictures (because you're too fucked up on spray paint) is REALLY shitty at taking pictures. I mean reeeeeeeeally shitty. Oh well...
This thing is 11 feet high, and the piece shown here was just a middlepiece that tied together the 110-foot-wide piece (which reads "I Hope Your Next Boyfriend Drives A Freakin' Truck!). The piece you see is just my initials "PS" (for PunkerSlut, nowhere near my real name) on either side of the crusade-skull. I went out that night, and blew like 10 cans of paint on the whole town. Every single thing I saw that wasn't personal property of some poor civilian suffered the wrath that is my skull and crossbones. It was very therapeutic. I am so fucking sick of this town, so every now and then I go around and fuck it up towards my liking.
Meh. Six years. She cheated. Lots. I'm surprised I went out spraypainting, because I really coulda ripped this city in half and burned it at all four ends. Fuck. I love everything so much.
Especially you guys.
Wow, my posts are long! Long and hard, the way you like it!
(Where the fuck did all my fucking picks go?! I can't practice the way I like practicing if I don't have fucking picks! AAAAAAH!

Again, I owe you all a hug if you've read to here. But I'm easy, so all you gotta do is press on the back of my head, and I'll go down on you. Hahaha! Such a slut. I love it! Take it fuckin' easy, homeslice!

That was a retorical question,I was asking myself not you
Glad you made it through the light still breathing. Where is it you work anyways?