Alright, I doubt most of you are even gonna give a shit, but it's one of those "About me" type things.
As posted in the "What does your username mean?" thread:
SonOfAPunk... It's what I am. My mom was a gutterpunk up until I was like 8, when she realized she's gotta drop the anarchy and start focusing on her family. She skated, spraypainted, participated in protests, participated in riots, freed poor scientific-test-animals. In fact, my first pets were a bunch of brainiac rats that responded to verbal commands that she ninja-style-stole from UBC.
My pic is her holding another test animal like 2 years after I was born. A kitty who's name I can't remember.
When most kids were playing with building blocks, I was in my stroller at indie punk gigs crowd surfing. She raised me punk stylee. I came out with my head WAY more in tact than 99.9% of the people I've met who've been raised "strict and educated and Christian" type-thing. I also got pushed ahead grades for having "advanced learning skills" and ended up graduating early. I'm also one of the most understanding and tolerant motherfuckers I've ever met. I wouldn't have chosen to be raised any other way. Ska, Punk, Reggae: they do the mind good.
Where most peoples' punk phase start with The Clash, Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop, etc... I am a shitload younger, and kind of a new breed. I had all the punk-classics every day, but I mainly related to the "new" stuff at the time: Rancid, Op Ivy, Sublime, and shitloads of local bands.
I'm still punk, but I listen to fucking everything and anything that sounds good.
Well, not that anyone's gonna give a shit, but that's a li'l about me. And if you've read to here by now, I owe you a big fucking hug!
And here's a little about my pathetic obsession with SG (as posted in my introductory thread, "Hey you! Yeah YOU!"):
I've been a MONDO huge fucking fan of SG for about 2 years, I just never had the chance to borrow someone's credit card until reeeeal recently. How sad is that? It's like enjoying a party you were never invited to by staring at it, through a hole in the fence. But here I am!
There you have it. I've been wanting to be a part of this community for fucking years, I just never had the chance to. Now I'm happy as a fucking clam. I got the DVD the day it came out (I was the first person in BC to have it!). I was like obsessed with something I wasn't even part of, haha!
I got shitloads of friends who are gonna be joining me online, both as members AND SG's. I've been asked to shoot several sets for most of them, but lots of factors are in the way at the time being. But don't fret, one day I will show you my naked friends, I pwomise!
Anywhore, I gotta go clean up and go about my day. Another reminder: I fucking love each and every one of you! Don't forget it! No seriously. Don't. Because I will come to your house, and I WILL CUT YOU!
Take it fuckin' easy!
As posted in the "What does your username mean?" thread:
SonOfAPunk... It's what I am. My mom was a gutterpunk up until I was like 8, when she realized she's gotta drop the anarchy and start focusing on her family. She skated, spraypainted, participated in protests, participated in riots, freed poor scientific-test-animals. In fact, my first pets were a bunch of brainiac rats that responded to verbal commands that she ninja-style-stole from UBC.
My pic is her holding another test animal like 2 years after I was born. A kitty who's name I can't remember.
When most kids were playing with building blocks, I was in my stroller at indie punk gigs crowd surfing. She raised me punk stylee. I came out with my head WAY more in tact than 99.9% of the people I've met who've been raised "strict and educated and Christian" type-thing. I also got pushed ahead grades for having "advanced learning skills" and ended up graduating early. I'm also one of the most understanding and tolerant motherfuckers I've ever met. I wouldn't have chosen to be raised any other way. Ska, Punk, Reggae: they do the mind good.
Where most peoples' punk phase start with The Clash, Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop, etc... I am a shitload younger, and kind of a new breed. I had all the punk-classics every day, but I mainly related to the "new" stuff at the time: Rancid, Op Ivy, Sublime, and shitloads of local bands.
I'm still punk, but I listen to fucking everything and anything that sounds good.
Well, not that anyone's gonna give a shit, but that's a li'l about me. And if you've read to here by now, I owe you a big fucking hug!
And here's a little about my pathetic obsession with SG (as posted in my introductory thread, "Hey you! Yeah YOU!"):
I've been a MONDO huge fucking fan of SG for about 2 years, I just never had the chance to borrow someone's credit card until reeeeal recently. How sad is that? It's like enjoying a party you were never invited to by staring at it, through a hole in the fence. But here I am!
There you have it. I've been wanting to be a part of this community for fucking years, I just never had the chance to. Now I'm happy as a fucking clam. I got the DVD the day it came out (I was the first person in BC to have it!). I was like obsessed with something I wasn't even part of, haha!
I got shitloads of friends who are gonna be joining me online, both as members AND SG's. I've been asked to shoot several sets for most of them, but lots of factors are in the way at the time being. But don't fret, one day I will show you my naked friends, I pwomise!

Anywhore, I gotta go clean up and go about my day. Another reminder: I fucking love each and every one of you! Don't forget it! No seriously. Don't. Because I will come to your house, and I WILL CUT YOU!
Take it fuckin' easy!