my mind is hazy, drenched in static
too many layers of feedback fuzz
twisted thoughts like gnarled roots
to trip and stumble over,
I got a fractured skull, busted lip
drowning in jumbled, spastic, narcoleptic fits
oh pretty please, if you could just give an inch
I think I would take six feet
grind my head against pavement scrape
all these former features scurge and...
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you seem terribly nifty.
And the river flows on
and it say's, "You ain't shit boy."
And the mountain stands tall
and it says, "You ain't shit boy."
And the wind blows by
and it say's, "You ain't shit boy."
And the dirt looks up at me
and it say's, "You are shit boy
and believe me, I would know shit."

hehehe, i cant help but laugh at that...
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Sometimes the river and wind can be condesending assholes, but the dirt has never let me down, cause that would be a hole, and if I fell in a hole, well hell, that wouldn't be the dirts fault. You know? Anywho, yeah, I'd love to read more of that story. Maybe we can send stories back and forth so we will feel loved...
23 South River St. #7
Franklin, OH 45005
Oh dear, should I have put that down for all to read? Oh, well, anyone can send me shit. I don't care. I prefer cash and flatering letters.
i love having those drunken "profound" moments.

i want to be drunk now...

excerpt from my novel ive been working on forever:

I saw the faces of the drivers only a split second before collision. On their faces were frozen expressions of disbelief and horror. It seemed as though neither one could have possibly predicted the day would turn out so horribly wrong. This was not meant to be. I imagined what was going on in their heads...
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Profound. I love writers who don't dumb shit down to fit the capacity of thier readers, or to reach more readers. Good stuff.
i've always wanted to be a photographer, but never learned. i should.

i can't paint/sculpt, because the things i see never turn out even close to right. photos are much better. sharper.
posted a few prandom pics of art photography and design pieces, if anyone stops by here, check em out, now for sleeeeeeeep...
Asseteague rules... love the Horses... sorry to hear you had to eat at bob evans lol
well this is my first journal entry, im just going to start posting bits of poems and observations and the like on here. Maybe at somepoint somone will drop by and read something, im going to try posting on boards and other places to get around.
I wrote this today:

I hope for a day of peace,
Appearing on the horizon,
Like land to a...
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awesome poems, have u joined the poetry group yet?